Workout Roundup - Holiday Edition

Workout Roundup - Holiday Edition

It is that time of year when life gets a little kookie…All of the parties, food, booze, traveling, and absolute non-stop craziness of the holiday season! It can be a lot. And each year I feel like it gets a little bit more intense with the holiday commercials, the sales, the advertisements and shows that are constantly talking about food, food, and more food. It is almost like they want to derail you…And then come the New Year, they change the narrative and talk about cleanses, diet pills, gym deals, weird ass home exercise equipment. My advice…SHUT IT OFF…IGNORE THE NOISE…FOCUS ON YOU!

I believe that it is possible to stay healthy, happy, and strong during this time of year. It takes a little bit more discipline, but it’s worth it, because you will feel better, look better, and be happier. And always keep it simple…daily movement, hydration, nourishing foods. Find the joyful balance this holiday season of what works best for you. You can still drink…You can still eat the holiday foods, just do it in moderation and be a little bit more mindful of how you are treating yourself.

To make it easier for you, I have linked some of my favorite workouts so far this year! You can do them anywhere…the gym, the garage, your living room, or even outside. The beauty of these workouts is that you can do as is, or spice it up a bit. What I mean by this is…You can add them to your existing workout…Add in some cardio…Add in weights…Don’t use the band…Just figure out what is going to make you get in a good workout, so you can go on with your day glowing from the inside out.

Workout Roundup - Holiday Edition

If you have any questions, you know how to reach me.

Happy Sweating!



HELLO December


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