HELLO December

HELLO December

Last month of the year and I am itching for some BIG changes! I am tired of making excuses. I am tired of procrastinating. I am tired of living small. It is time to take up space and live BIG. The past few months have been a time of learning, growing, manifesting, and realizing that at 44 years old I still want more and I am still transforming as a woman and it is wild and magical and beautiful. My intentions for the next month and the new year are both big and small and I am excited to bring them to life.

It is time to LEVEL UP and live fearlessly…To speak my truth…Believe in my purpose…Do BIG things…Try NEW things…and become the best version of myself, because gosh darn it we only live once. And what I have been doing as of lately has just not been working, so I am owning up to my own shit and ready to make the shift and I love this for me.


I have been doing social media for over 11 years now, which is pretty wild to think about. SM has changed drastically in the past couple of years and it has been really hard to keep up with it, to figure out the algorithm, to keep up with the trends, to decipher what's real and what isn’t. It has been exhausting. And for the first time in 11 years it is now just ME that I am representing and it is scary AF. I could give up and try to look for another way, but that isn’t me. I love what I do. I love to inspire, to create, to cook, to move, and want to keep spreading that message to others, because this is the time when we as humans truly need to take care of ourselves mentally, nutritionally, and physically.

In this space over the next few months there are going to be a lot of conversations about mental health, nutritional health, and how movement and nature are the best FREE therapy that we have and need to utilize. I am going to open up that can of worms about ingredients and how we are being poisoned right in front of our faces. I will inspire you to create real, wholesome, nourishing foods right at home, that are affordable and easy and make you feel good from the inside out.

HELLO December

I am going to break down why movement is necessary as we get older, but also why we need to do it daily. As a country, we have become so sedentary and addicted to TV and our devices that we spend all day sitting, staring into screens, while right outside there is sunshine and fresh air. Movement is for everyone and we can all do it and we all have access to it, so it is time to just MOVE.




These topics mean a lot to me, because I have struggled in the past with all of the above, but learning to manage them, heal them, and change the narrative, I am now in a place where these three topics are ones I LOVE to talk about and want to talk about and hopefully will inspire others to do the same. When we are a healthier, happier, and stronger community we become UNSTOPPABLE.


This is going to be good and fun and lighter than the above topics! Actually, I can’t promise that, because sometimes I deviate and well I am real, raw, and an open book, but most of the things that have been scurrying around in my mind have been all good things.

After living here for over 6 years, I want to share more of Charleston…It is going to be a mix of where I shop, where I eat, where I train, where I walk the dogs, where I run…etc. Plus, I want to get out more, eat more, and experience more moments with friends. I have been living a hermit lifestyle and I am tired of it, so it is time to get out and live in this crazy town and have some fun. I am going to be fully transparent and say that this is hard for me, but I think it is time to break some rules.

It is time for this mermaid to come out of her little clam shell and live her biggest, baddest, beautiful life. I hope that you will join me on this new adventure and new mindset, because it should be an interesting one. It is never easy to open up and be vulnerable on SM and expose my weaknesses, my doubts, my fears, and my shortcomings, but I have nothing to hide. This is who I am. This is who I want to be. This is what I am striving for as a 44 year old badass beautiful strong woman!



Homemade Protein Bars


Workout Roundup - Holiday Edition