Currently In November

Currently In November

It’s wild to think that we are less than 2 months away from the New Year! It was a cold and dreary weekend in Charleston and it allowed me time to slow down, reflect, give myself some grace, and think about what I want for the remainder of this year. I am notorious for overthinking, worrying, planning, stressing, and forgetting to slow down and enjoy life. I can keep going and going and going until my mind and body typically at the same time say ENOUGH is ENOUGH!

My mind and body literally said enough last Friday and I acknowledged it and took the time to really slow down. The weather and the mood of the weekend was the universe's way of saying it’s time. I realized that after running my own half marathon on Nantucket at the beginning of October, I never took the time to rest, instead I kept going full speed ahead. My mind has been preoccupied with figuring out what’s next in my career, managing two puppies, and what I TRULY want for myself led me to get lost in the training and go go go. I was 100% over-exercising. My workouts were becoming painful and monotonous, I started feeling pain in my knees, and I just didn’t feel good.

I knew if I didn’t stop and make some changes, my body would make me STOP! So after a weekend of peaceful long walks with the dogs, lots of downtime on the couch, reading, and writing, I came back to life. Simple things that nourished my mind, body, and soul.




With Thanksgiving already happening next week, the holiday craze is already here and already seemed to appear the day after Halloween, which in my eyes is excessive and obnoxious. The sales, the music, the recipes, the Black Friday sales, it is so NOISY! It is non stop and it ruins the holiday spirit for me, so I am just staying in my lane and doing me.

The rest of November I am going to be working on a few things that are always on repeat, but some tweaks here and there to help me LEVEL UP so that I can finish strong, happy, and fulfilled. The slowing down allowed me to really think about what I want physically, nutritionally, and spiritually and I like being able to feel these things and put them in motion.

A few things that are swirling around in my mind…

Being more consistent with my work and not getting discouraged because the algorithm has other plans for me. I want to stay true to me and my beliefs of what joyful balance looks like during this time of year;

Socialize more…Explore more…Take advantage of what beautiful Charleston has to offer during the holiday season. I am itching to get out of my little clam shell. I have come really far the past couple of months, but I am craving more;

Nourish MORE MORE MORE…I want to level up and possibly take my running to a new level, but I am not going to be able to do that if I am not properly nourishing my body. It will break down and rebel against me. It’s time to do the work and take care of this beautiful, strong, 44 year old body;

Let go of the RULES and just LIVE, LOVE, and spread JOY!

I think these are some realistic goals for the remainder of the month and through December as well. I am trying to do “less is more” these days and to not overcomplicate or overthink, because I learned my lesson the hard way the past few weeks and it left me depleted. No more depleting…Sometimes easier said than done, but I’m proud of myself for recognizing it and taking a break. Always look at the positives and always look at the wins whether small or large.

Happy November!



Workout Roundup - Holiday Edition


The Nantucket Reset