You have to do the work...Because when you do the WORK it WORKS! 

Sounds simple and easy, but let's face it doing the work on ourselves is HARD! 

  • It takes time...

  • It takes patience...

  • It takes determination...

  • Is it worth it? 


PHYSICAL WORK - This comes easy to me and it always has! When it comes to training my body I am unbelievably disciplined, determined, focused, and ALWAYS ready to push myself as hard as I can and as often as I can. I know what my body needs and I listen to it. During times of stress, I can have the tendency to overdo it, but for me, training is not only the physical, but the mental too. As soon as I get sweating, I get in the zone. I am releasing the toxins, the negative thoughts, I get into a peaceful rhythm, where during that time I forget about the bad stuff and focus on how GRATEFUL I am. The sweat releases happy endorphins for me and seeing what my body can do day in and day out is a blessing and I never take that for granted. 

Last week all I wanted to do was lift heavy and build up my strength in the gym and I did exactly that. It felt good to switch it up, to give my muscles that extra pop, to focus on certain muscle groups. I totally geeked out. That strength training paid off, because when I saw my booty in the mirror the other day, I gave myself a HIGH-FIVE! 

This week all I wanted to do was be on my yoga mat and sweat, sculpt, strengthen, stretch, and be amongst inspiring badass women at The Works. I logged in 5 classes this week and it felt AMAZING. I was sore in new spots. I pushed myself. I made a conscious effort to focus more on my core, the movements, and hot damn, those little adjustments made a HUGE difference in my practice. I didn't even use weights in the "Mash-Up" class and it was just as hard. Sarah and I were talking about how we were both sore and just sweating it ALL out this week and that when the method is done RIGHT and you do the equal sculpt and equal cardio...The WORKS truly does WORK! I know that you are probably so tired of me talking about The Works, but when you find a studio and a community that speaks your language and brings you so much JOY, it is hard for me to not to talk about it all the time when I put in so much work here and it works for my mind and body. 

EMOTIONAL WORK - This does NOT come easy to me! It is hard for me to open up...to put myself out there...to let go of control...to do this WORK! Working on yourself is hard AF, especially when it comes to digging deep into your emotional and mental well-being and I have no problem saying that out loud. Last week I in my newsletter, I talked about how I had a moment. The COVID, what is happening in our country, ALL THE THINGS, and I felt like I was losing control of myself. What is happening right now is NOT NORMAL and it has triggered many things in each of us, whether we realize it or not. For me, when I feel like I am losing control of the things around me, I will tend to overdo it with alcohol or go back to old habits of bad eating patterns, because these are things that are triggers for me. And I noticed this happening since this shit storm hit us and I couldn't keep going down that rabbit hole...


I made a change...I talked with Daune, my Life Coach, last week and had one of the best conversations I have had with her, because it all came together. Everything that she told me clicked. It felt amazing and I knew exactly what I had to do. It was time to raise my self-value, to change the light within me, to be authentic, to let go of my ego that was creating a controlling, stubborn, and angry Katie. YES! It is the time to make changes and to keep inspiring others and to bring value and worth to myself and to those around me. As I write this, it makes me beyond happy to feel this, because that damn foggy cloud was hovering over me these past few months and I just couldn't find my way out. I just needed to ask for help and to do the WORK. And the WORK WORKS! 

When I do the PHYSICAL and the EMOTIONAL WORK: 

  • I feel strong;

  • I feel confident;

  • I feel happy;

  • I feel clear-headed;

  • I feel inspired to do my job, be present in my relationships, to inspire others;

  • I feel BADASS...basically Wonder Woman minus that amazing costume!

I have been putting in the work and I have had some moments, but life IS good. I am doing the WORK and doing that has opened many doors, that just make me happy and bring me peace during these tumultuous times.

Writing about some of these topics makes me a little bit nervous. Opening myself up more in this space is hard and scary, because I am opening myself up to criticism, judgment, and maybe even some negative comments, but what I have come to realize about this space is that writing is a release for me and that when I write about topics that I am passionate about I feel like a better human. And at the end of the day, that is what matters, but what also matters is that these topics hopefully allow you to feel, to feel inspired, to realize that you are not alone, and that we all have our own shit, whether we want to admit it or not.

What we are experiencing is A LOT for all of us to absorb day in and day out! But taking the time to WORK on YOU is so important, because you want to be the best version of you inside and out! I have got this...You have got this...And we will just take it one day at a time, because the WORK WORKS!

If you have any questions or just want to chat, I am always here for you! xoxo


