WOW…How is it July 4th weekend already?!?!?! WEIRD times friends, but here in this space, you will find GOOD things to try, to read, to maybe even buy, because retail therapy is always a good thing. I have a NEW workout, a summer book, spices, and just some deep thoughts as we continue to navigate ourselves through these times!

Is it just me or has there been really weird energy lately? I am not sure about you, but my emotions are all over the place. I know SHOCKER, but I always say that I am just trying to be REAL in this space and deep down I know that I am not alone. I feel exhausted, stressed, angry, and I do not want to accept this as being the new normal. I want our old normal. When I talk to my Mom, my friends, local business owners, everyone seems TIRED and depleted. I am doing my best to continue to inspire here and on social…To support my local friends who are trying to stay afloat with their businesses…And to just be available to those I love. It is hard and it is sad what we are going through and I hope and pray that there is light at the end of this tunnel. SO…with that being said…I have had my moment, let’s dive IN!


If you are traveling this weekend, or your gym was closed, or you just want to switch things up and try something new, then this workout is for YOU! All you need is a jump rope, your beautiful badass body, and some water, because it is hot as hell outside and you NEED to stay HYDRATED! If you don't have a jump rope, pretend that you do, you will still get your heart rate up and work your body. *Side Note - I know I say this a lot, but my workouts are versatile, so you can always improvise...It depends on what YOU want to get from it! Listen to your body and do YOU*

This is a hard full-body workout that does ALL THE THINGS!

  • It is going to get your heart rate UP;

  • It will improve your endurance;

  • It will improve your strength;

  • It will most definitely challenge YOU!

Tips to follow when doing this workout: 

  • Take a 1-minute rest between each circuit;

  • Try doing two rounds of each circuit...If you have more time do MORE...I dare YOU!

  • Take your time doing the moves...Focus on engaging your core, doing the squats, lunges, push-ups, etc. with intention. Yes, you are going to be tired, but being sloppy while doing these exercises can lead to injury and not seeing the results. Why do all the hard sweaty work if you can't see the outcome? 

  • Have questions...just ask me!


Gosh darn, I love a good ribeye! I eat mine cooked medium-rare and don't let that juicy fat go to waste...YES, I will eat the fat that Shannon doesn't finish. It's my favorite part. Personally, I could never imagine not eating meat. My body craves it. I need that iron and I need it, even more, when my workouts are intense and involve heavy lifting. Once I get my ribeye fix, I am good for a few days. I listen to my body. I listen to what it craves. I feed it and then I move on. 

We get our steaks from the New York Butcher Shoppe in Mount Pleasant. I love this place and it is worth splurging on really good quality meats. The staff is amazing. They not only offer meat, but seafood, prepared foods, and lots of delicious high-quality wines. The meat really doesn't need that much seasoning, because the ribeye offers so much extra flavor with the quality of the meat and the fat. Since I don't want to take away too much of the flavor, I season mine lightly with DAK'S Spices Steakhouse...Use katieuhran10 to get 10% off your order. And don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY with them too!


I am currently reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s City of Girls. It takes place in NYC in the 1940s. I haven’t read a book during this era for a long time, so it has been a nice switch up. It is taking me some time to get into it, just because of life and I have been exhausted by the end of the day. So far though, it is an easy read and I like the characters and how Vivian (the main character) is telling the story as she looks back on her life as a 19-year-old. I am hoping that I can take some time this weekend to disconnect and really dive into this and enjoy it.

I hope that this July 4th weekend that you are able to disconnect...enjoy quality time with your family and friends...drink some delicious lots of good...and be happy, grateful, and enjoy life! I am going to take my own damn advice and do the same. As I personally try to navigate these times, I constantly try to remind myself how fortunate I am to have what I have and that I need to enjoy it and live my life to the fullest, because you never know what is going to happen. 

God Bless America! xoxo


Q & A with Katie Uhran - Part II
