HELLO February

It’s been one week already since I have been home from Nantucket and it was another trip that did ALL THE THINGS for me! It may seem a little nutty to go to Nantucket in the middle of winter, but to me these months are magical and healing. YES, it was cold, snowy, rainy, and gray, but I felt at peace with it and I was just happy to be home and to spend some quality time with my Mom. 

I did everything I wanted to do and I came home (despite the 16+ hour drive which took me some time to recover from) energized, inspired, rested, and ready to tackle a busy month, wedding planning, a half marathon, and some personal goals that I have been thinking about.


I’m trucking along…Training hard…and really PUSHING myself and it feels so freaking good! I have three weeks left and I know that I have to follow the schedule as the time gets closer and not overtrain. My energy on Nantucket was through the roof. I ran a lot. I walked a lot. And I made sure to keep up with my strength training. I REFUSE to give up on the lifting as I know how important it is to maintain this to prevent injury.

I have some big runs coming up the next couple of weeks, so I am reminding myself to hydrate, fuel properly, and just do it. And after two weeks away from The Works, I am back in the studio and it feels so good to be back, but also incorporate more stretching, strengthening, and plyometrics. Love that I can get all that shit done in 60 minutes…BOOM!


I am going to dive into FOOD in another post sometime in February/March, because I did a lot of thinking about it while I was on Nantucket and realized that I still have a shit ton of work to do with my health journey. And I am honestly 100% okay with this as it is a really good thing to recognize. It is time once again to dig deep, get a little bit uncomfortable, and do the work work work!

Basically what it comes down to is I need more calories on a day to day basis. I am burning a lot and if I want to take my training to a higher level and keep it there, I have to take care of this fine machine. MORE of everything as of lately, but also really listening to my body, the hunger cues, what works and what doesn’t work, while also having fun with it too! This is why I need another post, because my health journey is NOT linear. There are always ups and downs. There are learning curves. There are AH HA moments. It’s all the things and as a control freak this is all hard for me, but baby steps and I am making huge gains not only in the kitchen, but in life too. WINNING!

One goal that I came up with on Nantucket is to start trying NEW recipes for myself, but also for Shannon too. I recently purchased Eat Slow Run Fast and there are a lot of delicious healthy recipes in there that I will tackle. I already made the banana bread and it’s REALLY good, without all the shitty oils and sugars. Shannon approves! I really love this book and these women though, because it’s relatable and aligns with who I am and what I want to achieve nutritionally and physically.

Stay tuned…Lots of good eats coming your way! Again, make sure you’re following me on Instagram, because that is where I share it ALL!


Three months and counting…LIKE WHAT THE?!?!?! Where is time going? While I was on Nantucket, my Mom said you seem pretty calm for a bride. Should I be more stressed? Should I be freaking out? As of right now, I feel pretty good, but I am putting my faith in my team and know it will all come together! Time is flying and it is definitely not slowing down. Slowly but surely we are doing it and here’s what is happening so far…

Tomorrow we have the walk through with our wedding planner at the venue;

Meeting with the “cake lady” next week;

Shannon started the process for his custom suit on Monday and he’s going to look AMAZING!

Figuring out the ceremony and vows this weekend with Shannon’s cousin who is visiting us!

I still need to figure out hair and makeup, so I’m hoping my hair stylist can help me with that. There are so many little odds and ends and again, deep breaths, trust my team, trust my organization skills, and believe and know it will all come together!


While on Nantucket after I finished The Change, which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND. I absolutely loved this book. I had never heard of it before and I had no idea what to expect. This was one of the many books that I borrowed from my friend in the neighborhood across the street. It was the perfect combo of witchcraft, mystery and murder, and three inspiring powerful badass women who come together as friends, but also a force of nature to end crime. READ IT!

I am currently reading The Silent Patient. I picked it up on Nantucket. I’m about 100 pages in and it is pretty dark, but it seems to be appropriate to read on these dark gray winter days. It took me a little bit of time to get into it, but it’s picked up momentum. *Shameless Plug* - I share all of my books and reviews on my Instagram highlights titled “Books 2023”!

So what’s happening the rest of this short month that I already feels like it is going to blow by in the blink of an eye?!?! We leave next Thursday for Arizona for the Super Bowl (we aren’t going to the game), but we will be going for lots of shenanigans. Then my half marathon is the weekend of the 25th. Then February ends and we will be into March…ARGH…I don’t want to jump too far ahead as I want to practice just living in the moment and making the most of each day.

Happy February Friends!



iLiv Detox Massage


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