Getting Back Into MY Routine After A Weekend of Indulgence

Getting Back Into MY Routine After A Weekend of Indulgence

Summers can sometimes be a really hard time to stay on track with your nutrition and your workouts! There always seems to be parties and boat outings every weekend…Lots of travel…Lots of holidays! Lots and lots of booze and food and lots of ALL THE THINGS! 

I used to obsess over it…It used to consume me…I would do everything in my power to restrict my food intake to make up for over indulging…I would over train…I would worry about it…DAMN…that is a lot of shit to think about, control, and waste precious energy on. In the end, all of that shit did nothing good for me, except put stress on my body, my gut, and my mind. It would consume me and it was like an energy vampire sucking the life out of me. I was miserable. I was miserable to be around. I needed to make some serious changes…and I DID and as I always say, the WORK WORKS, you just have to be willing to acknowledge your shit, ask for help, do the work, and be consistent, dedicated, and patient with the process. And I also always say, doing the hard work is so worth it!

**Side Note - I know that in this space there is sometimes a lot of repetition about certain topics, especially about my health journey, but it is important to note that my healing journey is always ongoing. I think it is important that every once in a while we talk about these things, because I want to inspire others to keep going, to keep doing the work, and to know that you are never alone!**

SO…After two weeks away…The July 4th weekend…And summer in full swing, I did feel a little sidetracked, but that’s OKAY! It is to be expected and that is called life and that is called living! A pretty big milestone for me personally this summer and I am here for it. I have done the work, I have the tools, and I know what my body responds well to these days.

So what exactly does getting back into my routine look like?!?! I follow these FOUR things religiously and they always make me feel happy, satisfied, and fulfilled from the inside out.


Lots and lots of water ALL DAY LONG! I drink a lot of water anyway, but right upon waking, I make an extra effort to constantly be hydrating most of the day. It’s so insanely humid and hot in CHS right now, so with my workouts, with being on boats or at the beach, being out and drinking and eating salty rich foods, staying hydrated needs to happen. My large canteen is always with me! And if I need to spruce it up a little bit, adding some sliced cucumbers always makes it feel a little fancy or I’m having a relaxing morning at the spa!


I eat the foods that I know are going to make me feel good and taste good - lots of fiber, protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, complex carbs. NO restriction or skipping meals anymore!!! Do I struggle with this sometimes? ABSOLUTELY, but restricting does so much more damage physically, emotionally, and internally, and I just don’t have time for feeling like crap anymore. Plus, I know that restricting also causes harm to my workouts and could lead to injury and that is something that I will not tolerate.

I honor my hunger needs…I eat…I enjoy it…I don’t say negative things to my body…I just go on with my day, because I KNOW that my body KNOWS what to do, when I love and take good care of it! After a weekend of indulgence, my go-to meals usually are savory oats and then open faced chicken salad sandwiches. Hustle Smoothie Bar has the best one…It’s DELISH!


I do whatever will make me feel GOOD! Sometimes it is long walks on the beach with Lucy and other times it is taking Chandler’s “Sunday Service” at The Works, and sometimes it is just taking a full day of REST! I listen to my body and I honor that.

Pieces of COMFORT and JOY

I wake up…I take a deep breath…I smile…I think about all the positive things that happened…

Sometimes pieces of comfort and joy look like reflecting…journaling…reading…snuggling…going to Sullivan’s with Lucy and seeing all my regulars and their fury friends! I do all the things that bring me JOY that are relaxing and peaceful, and give myself the day to just be!

It has been a journey to get to this point, but now that I am here, it feels so good. It feels good to reflect on the positive. It feels good to live this life here in Charleston. It feels good to be surrounded by so much love. It feels good that I have the opportunity to do crazy fun things every weekend. I soak it all up and celebrate that, because at the end of the day, that is what matters!

To sum it all up, I think it is important to just give yourself GRACE! 

The more you stress, worry, analyze, and allow the negative thoughts to come in, the worse you will feel inside and out. It can be a toxic cycle and it is one that CAN and SHOULD be broken. I speak from years of experience, so if you have any questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to reach out. I love hearing from you and I love talking about ALL THE THINGS!

Is there anything that you would add to the list?

Happy Summer!



Currently In JULY


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