What Fills Me Up

Each week, I have a call with my Nutrition/Sports Performance Coach to go over “stuff”. We not only talk on the phone, but I send her all the text messages and emails, because, with this healing process, there is no holding back. I am so ready to move forward, to move on with life, and to heal!

Last week one of my “tasks” was to write down all the things that “FILL ME UP”! When I started to email her my list, I realized that this would be a great blog post as well. I’ve been posting some heavy things lately, I thought this would be a nice change-up, because a happy post is always a good post! And the fact that these answers came to me so quickly, also made me happy, because I KNOW what brings me joy in all areas of my life and that right there is the work working!


Sweaty Workouts...I get asked a lot why I workout and the answer is simple...It makes me happy! Each day that I can get up and move my body is a good day. Each day that I can sweat. Each day that I can strengthen my body and mind. Each day that I get to challenge myself to make me a better inside and out is what fills me UP!

A few weeks ago, I promised that I was going to bring FITNESS back to this space, but I realized that it is going to take some time for that to happen, because I want to just get better and then I can start to sprinkle fitness in here and there. I don’t ever want to force things in this space, BUT I will be talking about my upcoming Half-Marathon training, which I am really excited about. 

Being Active Outside…No matter what the weather, I love to be outside in the fresh air and always have! Nature fills me up and I am so grateful to have lived in places that have allowed me to do so much outside. Swimming, surfing, hiking, skiing, running, biking, and always WALKING! The fresh air is good for your skin, your body, your mind, your soul, and it fills me UP!

Reading A Good Book…I read a lot! But within the past two years, I would say the need to read has skyrocketed...LOL! I hardly watch TV anymore as there just isn’t anything really on that gives me joy. I have my Bravo shows, my food shows, Yellowstone, but my TV time becomes less and less. I would rather curl up with a good book and get lost in the pages. Getting lost in a good book fills me UP!

Eating A Delicious Meal...I love food and always have! Even though I am working through my issues with food, I appreciate a good nourishing meal. I have been fortunate enough to have a Mom who was an amazing cook. I have eaten at delicious restaurants all over the world. I have tried it ALL. Food brings people together. I love it. I love talking about it. I also love how delicious, nourishing, and educating it can be. Food also doesn’t talk back to you. It is just FOOD. It is why I love working with food brands on social media, because it is a different kind of energy. It is POSITIVE energy!  

Everyone loves to share what they are eating...What made them want to try a recipe? What they liked or disliked about it? Food can also be nostalgic. For example, I will never order meatballs out at a restaurant, because my Mom made the best meatballs. And when I go home, I always ask that she makes her red sauce with meatballs and spaghetti. It is simple, delicious, and it feeds my soul. 

Food will ALWAYS fill me UP!

Swimming In The Saltwater…Mermaid Vibes ALL summer long! I would be totally content living in a bikini with salty hair, skin, and sandy toes. I am also that person who can go out into the ocean and just float on my back and just be at peace.

When I was younger, my Dad would take us to the beach 2 - 3 times a day. My father, like myself, loved the water and we would be out there for hours body surfing until we were exhausted and starving. Those moments are some of my favorite memories and ones I will never forget!

The movement, the coolness, the salt, the powerful healing that saltwater brings me spiritually is what fills me UP!

GIRL TALK…There’s nothing better than going to your GF’s house in your PJ’s to watch all the Bravo shows, eat all the food, and just talk about ALL THE THINGS! There are certain conversations that men just don’t understand and that is why your GF’s are there for you. Talking about the heavy stuff and then talking about nothing for hours truly fills me UP!



Tell me one thing that fills YOU up!



Half - Marathon Training Has Begun


Time For A Check In