Half - Marathon Training Has Begun

“The more I run, the more I love my body. Not because it’s perfect, far from it. But because with every mile, it’s proving to me that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible!” - Unknown

The last time I ran a half-marathon was December 9, 2017!!!! How is that even possible?!?!? I had to scroll ALL THE WAY down on my Instagram feed to find the exact date because I was curious as to how long it had been and cannot believe it has been that long. And where the hell has the time gone?!?!

 There are many reasons why I have not been training for a race, but now that I feel better, have more energy, I am working on properly nourishing my body daily, feeling all the feels, I am ready to get back out there and see what happens! I missed this mentally and physically and the time is NOW! I am going to break it down a little bit in today’s post as to what I am focusing on and it is not just about the running. There is always something bigger to focus on and I am all about new challenges, healing, and being the best version of me. I hope that you will follow along these next couple of weeks. It is going to be FUN!

FOOD - Now more than ever this is probably the most important part of this training for me, both physically and mentally! It is kind of why I signed up in the first place to REALLY hold myself accountable, to feed my body, even when it gets hard, and to just get out of my comfort zone and just do it! I always love a good challenge and this one's for me right now!

I am really tuning in to my body and listening to it and learning what works and what doesn’t. For example, I am noticing hunger cues. For the first time, I am acknowledging them and realizing, I need more and I need to add it, or else...There is nothing worse than doing a workout and thinking about food the entire time...HELL NO...That was the old Katie and the new Katie is so beyond tired of those feelings! It is why I have a coach as well, to help me with this. To guide me, to give me suggestions, to hold me accountable, so I don’t go down that dark road again. 

What is really cool about ALL OF THIS? My appetite is on fire and I am feeling stronger in my workouts. My nails are stronger. I am sleeping better (not 100% better, but it’s getting there). All those foods that I eliminated, I have been adding back in and I haven’t had any side effects or bloating, so bring it on! And I am also experimenting with foods too...Before my workouts, I am trying a mix of bars, fruits, nuts, and electrolytes. I definitely have a long way to go with adding in more calories, but baby steps. I am doing the work and the work is working and that is what matters! 

Okay Okay...You get it, but I could talk about this forever, because food is now bringing me JOY, and how it is helping my brain and body and helping me be excited to run again is HUGE!

TRAINING - For ALL of my half-marathons I have always followed Hal Higdon’s training schedule. It works for me, my goals, and I am such a sucker for a schedule that I can print out, put on the fridge, and cross off each day with a black marker. I love a training schedule, because I like something to look forward to, to keep me focused, and always motivated. It was why I was such a successful athlete throughout my life. And it is just another reason why I love to train for races. Plus, it is FUN and it makes me feel GOOD, strong, and a badass on a daily basis!

This time around I am going to do the Intermediate 2 Program. I only have 6 weeks of training left before the race and it is a 12-week schedule, so I am a little behind, but in actuality, I am really not. At least I keep telling myself that. 

I have been doing lots of running, spinning, The Works, and strength training, so I am ready, but I just need to focus now on the training plan and do it! I am not worried, as I am actually right where I need to be with my long runs, so it is ALL GOOD! While training for a half-marathon it is important that I don’t let my strength training disappear. Since I am no longer a spring chicken, keeping my muscles and bones strong is now important more than ever, so I will be lifting weights, doing HIIT, and plyometrics. I want to keep this entire body strong from the inside out!

OVERALL WELL-BEING - Working on all the things these days! This recovery is not easy at all and some days I am energized and feeling like the queen of the world and then others I am just exhausted. I always remind myself to give myself grace, because this will take time. I am surrounded by so much love and goodness, so I keep on trucking, I keep on learning, and I keep on doing the best that I can! And a HUGE shoutout to my people, because I don’t think I could do it without them. It is making this journey so much easier. 

What is important to me these days as I go through this training and life...Making sure I listen to my body. Stay hydrated ALL THE TIME! Keep sweating...Keep eating...Keep going. Lots of reading to help me disconnect from all electronics. To just slow down and soak up the sunshine, the fresh air, and to be present in that moment. To only do the things that serve me and bring me JOY! (I use this word a lot...that and GRACE!). To just enjoy this beautiful life that you have been given!

I am so excited about this half-marathon and I want to just do the work and kick ass! I hope you’ll join me on this quick 6-week journey as I do ALL THE THINGS!



Time For A Check In - Part II


What Fills Me Up