“Open to life’s abundance. Open to all its possibilities. The more open you become, the more creative you’ll be - in work, in play, in love, in life. The more creative you are, the more possibilities you’ll see” - Melody Beattie

I’m back y’all and back with a different attitude, goal, and perspective on what will be happening with ME, this space, this brand. I took another major break because it was desperately needed. Unlike my other break that was planned, before I launched Katie Uhran, this break was not planned. I came back from one of our trips to Wisconsin and said fuck it, I can’t do this right now. I was tired of posting. I was tired of writing. I was tired of scrolling, comparing, and keeping up with it ALL. I was DONE. I was burnt out and it was affecting my sleep, life, and relationships. I realized that I just couldn’t do it ALL.

I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to be “THAT” influencer. I thought I was going to make it BIG. I had such high expectations of being that fitness influencer with all those followers and brands banging on my door to represent them. Guess what...I didn’t become “THAT” influencer...Guess what...I’m so okay with that. Instead, I now represent a handful of brands and I get to make them shine and I LOVE it.

I was putting a lot of pressure on myself. I was frustrated as to why it wasn’t happening, what was I doing wrong, why wasn’t I getting tons of likes. Do you know how much of an energy vampire that is? I was flipping exhausted. I felt uninspired and almost angry towards my personal brand and what I was doing. ALL signs that it was time to stop and I did just that and another guess felt FREAKING AMAZING!!!

I am always changing and I have come to accept that. I have learned that my journey is going to have ups and downs. I am going to be challenged. And this time has done that. I honestly wondered if I would ever come back. I wondered if I would want to write, create, and inspire again. And then it happened...The cloud lifted and that feeling and passion to come back appeared and I am just going to go with it and see where it takes me.

What exactly is next in this space? I am not really sure. I realize that moving forward that it is definitely going to be different. I am not going to put that pressure on myself AGAIN. I can guarantee you that there will be posts about food, fitness, and SHANNON (because everyone wants to know about him). My goal is just to be ME. My goal is to continue to inspire y’all to eat all the NUTTZO, to try my kookie workouts, and to continue to follow me on this journey.

Over the next few weeks, we have a lot going on. We are traveling a ton to football games, to my little sister’s wedding in Nantucket, to beautiful islands...It’s A LOT...It’s going to be fun...And I am ready for the new season, the new outlook, and whatever lies ahead. So here we go...AGAIN...the comeback kid is back for whatever round I am on. xoxo


