OH HEYYYYY!!! I disappeared for a little bit, because well LIFE has been happening. Work has been insanely busy...We’ve been doing a lot of house stuff...I finally left the state of South Carolina...And my Mom actually came into town for a quick weekend. Plus it is SUMMER, so we should be busy and be outside and soaking up that sunshine and going on adventures. And honestly, blogging, just hasn’t been a top priority for me lately. If I am not feeling inspired or have anything to write in this space, I just don’t do it. No need for bull shit or to force something that isn’t REAL. I definitely get frustrated, when I don’t stick to my blogging schedule and I promise to write about ALL these topics, but then LIFE HAPPENS and I just can’t do it. There are other things that have to come first.

I don’t know why I have to explain myself, but I do, because I appreciate all of YOU who support me and read my posts, whenever the hell I am able to post. So now that I am done blabbing and I have had my “Thinking Out Loud” moment, why don’t we keep chatting...Okay? Great...Let’s do this…

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Wisconsin for a 4-day trip and we are heading back again on Friday. I had not been on a plane or a vacation in MONTHS. I was so so so READY for this. I felt like I was living Groundhog Day here in Charleston. It was the same thing every single flipping day. I was stuck in my routine. I was antsy. I was burnt out with work and training. It was time to escape. This was also the first trip that I was going on where I was going to have limited phone and Internet service...My first reaction was WTF...My second reaction was HALLELUJAH!!!

The weekend was AMAZING! We went to lots of parties. We ate all the food. We drank all the booze. We just lived in the moment and it was relaxing, refreshing, fun, and yes I was pretty exhausted by the end. I only posted a few times to Instagram stories and then by the last two days, I just stopped. I was able to text here and there, but mainly went off the grid. And the only time I opened my laptop was early Monday morning when we were leaving Wisconsin. I also “thought” I was going to take a full 4 days off from working out, but I didn’t. I did two 6 mile runs and one long walk. Why didn’t I take a break? I don’t know...I love to move my body...I am a better person when I sweat...And when I travel, I like to explore. Plus, the weather was amazing and when you are able to run on country roads surrounded by corn fields, with no music and no distractions...it was therapeutic. And after eating and drinking the food and booze, it felt good to sweat it out.

But let’s talk about DISCONNECTING for a hot minute...It was a lot harder than I thought! I love what I do and I do work 7 days a week. When I am home, on the weekends, I don’t work a full day, but I will typically work 2 - 3 hours total in the mornings and evenings, or whenever I get the urge to create and schedule posts. I like to be organized and have a clean inbox and schedule things, because, in the social media world, organization is KEY. At first, when I had no service I rejoiced...but by the end of the trip when I opened all my emails...FULL PANIC. The week after we got back I was playing catch up the whole entire week. I didn’t like that feeling.

As I prepare for another weekend away, I have already tried coming up with a plan of attack, so I don’t feel like I am drowning when I come back home on Tuesday. The goal is to go off the grid on Friday and Saturday and then reconnect on Sunday and Monday. I can spend hopefully at least two hours here and there to respond to emails; place orders; and take care of any fire drills. We’ll see if this actually happens, but for now, I have a plan. I know I sound like a control freak, but this is my business. 

Do I wish I could fully go off the grid? HELL YEAH! But it just isn't in my nature...I like to work...I love my clients...My clients help me pay the bills. Since I control my schedule, I know that I have to set limits on how much I work, because just like everything else in life, it will lead to burn out and affect your life and lifestyle and relationships. I am also learning to let go of my control tendencies...Now that is definitely a work in progress...LOL!

Am I looking forward to going off the grid again? HELL YEAH! These quick weekend summer giveaways are so good for me, my body, my mind, and most importantly my relationship with Shannon. We both work so hard day in and day out and disconnecting is the best way for me to be present with him and us with each other. It is sad that our lives revolve around our phones and social media, but it is what is. Social Media is a business and it is my livelihood, so I just have to learn what works best for me, my life, my relationships, so that I can strive in BOTH. I am constantly learning, growing, and living and grateful for every moment of it. 

See y'all next week! 

Are you able to disconnect on a regular basis?

What's your longest "off the grid" moment?


