Simple Healthy Meals

Let’s change topics and talk about FOOD! Because sometimes doing the work on ourselves can be emotional and exhausting, but talking about food is always fun and easy, especially when you cook with me! I am not recipe creator/developer, I am so BASIC and I am 100% okay with that. I leave the fancy prepping long ingredient lists to the chefs when I eat out and that is why I enjoy it so much more. But back to me and my style of cooking…Minimal ingredients…Healthy ingredients…Ready in less than 30 minutes. They are not the prettiest meals, but they serve a purpose to me, my goals, my training, and my taste buds. Lots of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and all the veggies please. During the winter months I eat more savory comforting foods, so I tend to eat a lot more veggies, Japanese sweet potatoes on repeat, and lots of savory oatmeal bowls.

Here are FOUR simple healthy meals that I eat regularly! It’s interesting how during the winter months I gravitate towards savory meals that include lots of vegetables and avocados. It is what my body has been craving, so I honor that and feed it what it wants. Once in a while I will have a yogurt bowl with fruit and nut butter, but it just isn’t as appealing. So…lots of savory oatmeal bowls, protein packed salads, eggs, and even take out pasta salads. YUM!

Simple Healthy Meals

Savory Oatmeal Bowl

Simple Healthy Meals

Chicken and Pasta

Simple Healthy Meals

Omelette and Toast

Simple Healthy Meals

Salmon Salad

  • 2x slices of sourdough toast

  • 1x can of salmon

  • Chopped spinach and tomatoes

  • Balsamic Vinegar

  • Random spoonful of jelly

  • Seasoned with DAK’s Super Greek, garlic powder, red pepper flakes

What do you think? Would you eat any of these?

All ingredients are from Costco and Trader Joe’s…And you can use KATIEUHRAN to get 10% off your DAK’s Spices order. Let me know if you have any questions, as I always love to hear from you!



Healthy Winter Skin


Daily Reminder - Make Peace With Yourself