Daily Reminder - Make Peace With Yourself

Daily Reminder - Make Peace With Yourself

This week’s daily reminder is to “Make Peace With Yourself”!

Less conflict..

Less drama…

More calm…

More peace…

It is amazing what happens to our mind and bodies when we come to peace with ourselves, our strengths, our struggles, and our realities. Knowing that in life shit happens and there are things that are out of control, but we have a choice. We can choose who we surround ourselves with. We can choose things that bring us joy. We can choose to level up. We can choose to be strong.

We always have a choice of what we want for ourselves and that is a beautiful and magical thing IF that is what you truly want! Because finding peace, just like everything else requires work. No one said finding peace, finding strength, eating healthy, taking care of our bodies was easy. It never is, but getting to that point when you can see the work working that is a damn beautiful thing.

How have I made peace with myself?

It is a work in progress, but I have come a long way. I am very hard on myself and sometimes a little bit too hard. I train hard daily…I hustle and hustle professionally…I want to be the best I can be…I want to do ALL THE THINGS! So not only am I hard on myself, but I also put a lot of pressure on myself to make shit happen. Obviously going at this speed all the time is not healthy or beneficial for long-term results, so I am looking to find peace with myself in certain areas that I know that I can manage.

Physically - I am still strength training, doing treadmill workouts, going to The Works, but I am not doing long distance running right now. Instead I am choosing to walk more and do it with my fur babies. My body is tired and going out to run 8-10 miles weekly doesn’t feel right and I don’t want to injure myself, so I took a step back and walking is filling that void in a healthier and happier way.

Emotionally - Giving myself lots of GRACE! Allowing myself to sit in the peace and quiet and just be…To be okay with curling up on the couch and watching my shows…To saying NO to going out…To embracing the peace and the slower, colder winter months. It’s so hard for me to slow down, but I am recognizing that I need to be at peace with slower days and slower moments. And honestly, it feels good! A work in progress, but I’m trying.

Nutritionally - My body is going through some changes and I am at peace with that! Just like the seasons, our bodies go through seasonal changes too. Stress, training, life, age, it all can cause our bodies to change. I am honoring this change, while still properly fueling my body as best I can, eating what tastes good, feels good, and keeps me training and trucking along. And for years when I wouldn’t touch or eat sweets, I am now enjoying and eating them regularly. It also helps that Mom sends me care packages from Bartlett’s Farms with decadent scones and oatmeal cookies. Those will NEVER go to waste.

Making peace with yourself takes time, but honoring it and accepting it and doing the work on yourself is always the step in the right direction. I hope that this year you are choosing yourself and finding peace with yourself!

It’s all up to you…So what will you choose?



Simple Healthy Meals


Daily Reminder - Make Magic Happen