PROMIX Pumpkin Protein Smoothie

PROMIX Pumpkin Protein Smoothie

All the PUMPKIN please…

As promised…another pumpkin recipe and this one is delicious post-workout, but also has enough sweetness to make this protein packed smoothie taste and feel like dessert. It smells good, it tastes good, and it is jam packed with protein, healthy fats, fiber, and carbs to replenish my muscles after a yoga session at The Works!



  1. Throw it all into your blender (but make sure to save some of the nut butter for the jar;

  2. Blend until desired consistency;

  3. Pour it into your “almost” empty nut butter jar;

  4. Enjoy!

Don’t forget to use the following codes for discounts:

  • KATIEUHRAN for 15% off your entire PROMIX order

  • KATIEUHRAN10 for 10% off your entire DAK’s Spices order

Take advantage of them while you can, not only for all the health benefits, but because they are great products, good people, and they make ALL of my meals that much better! Happy Belly = Happy Katie!



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