Currently LOVING

Currently LOVING

THREE things that I am currently loving this month! I wanted to share with y’all this week these brands that I have been working with for awhile and why I love them and why you should check them out and maybe treat yourself to something beautiful, delicious, and healthy, because you are so worth it!

James Michelle Jewelry

I have been wearing her jewelry for years and her collections keep getting better and better! Jamie Israel is the founder of James Michelle and her story is inspiring and beautiful. As a fellow ocean lover, these pieces just resonate with me and my style. They are delicate, sophisticated, and perfect for the boho, mermaid, and ocean lover!

Here are the pieces that I am currently loving…Mermaid Vibes ALL year long!

**use code ROSE to get 20% off your order**


I cannot stop raving about this brand! I freaking LOVE these products! I also love that they take such good care of me too…It’s a huge bonus and why I fully support them and promote them. Here are the supplements and products that I am currently using regularly. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

That pumpkin smoothie recipe will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

I also will be hosting a giveaway with them before the end of October, so keep an eye out for that as well!

**use code KATIEUHRAN to get 15% off your order**

Currently LOVING

The giveaway is LIVE…So make sure to enter HERE! This is such a generous and fun giveaway and after months about talking about putting it together, it has finally happened. We are choosing TWO winners to win these three delicious wines, so make sure to check it out, enter, and join their mailing list HERE.

F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote that “life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall”, and every year it proves to be true. At Donelan, they look forward to two fall events all year long. The first is harvest which they’re in the middle of now. They told me it's been a cold, rainy, slow year, which tells them that the 2023 wines will be a special vintage. The second event is their annual Fall Release, which will kick off on our website on October 18th. With this release, they are thrilled to offer YOU six gorgeous wines that complement the renewed energy of autumn. YES!

If you’d like to be the first to know when their Fall Release goes live, join the mailing list here. Cheers!

Leveling UP

The first two week of October have been A LOT, but it is teaching me so much about myself and want I truly want! My best friend and I are going through this transformation and it is kind of wild, inspiring, and badass! We have realized it is time to LEVEL UP and live our best lives unapologetically. I am really good at making excuses, procrastinating, ruminating, and it is just time to STOP! After a pretty eye opening conversation with Daune, I realized that is time to stop all this bullshit and live my purpose. I have the tools. I have the knowledge. I have the passion. I have the strength. I have the support. It’s all right there, it is now just up to me whether I want to grab life by the horns and go for it.

More to come on this as I dive deep into how I am LEVELING UP physically, emotionally, and professionally!



PROMIX Pumpkin Protein Smoothie


HELLO October