I spent a lot of time sitting at my computer typing this post...deleting this post...retyping it...and questioning whether I wanted to share, because of what people might say or assume, but as I woke up on Sunday morning at 5:00 AM and started typing AGAIN, I knew it was meant to be. This is me being vulnerable and REAL...this is life. And this SPACE is a place where I share ALL THE THINGS. Things that I hope inspire you...that resonates with you…

The time between Christmas and New Year’s...It’s weird. As my yoga teacher said, it is like we are all sitting in a waiting room. There is shitty music playing...All the good articles in the magazine have been ripped out...We don’t know what day it is...We are all a little testy, antsy, and ready to do something or not really sure what to do. I personally have had a lot of time in the waiting room this past week. It has allowed me to sit with my thoughts on and off my yoga mat. It has been a beautiful time of healing and awakening. I am not one on New Year’s to set goals, to do a detox crash diet, and put pressure on myself to do ALL THE THINGS. Personally I feel like it can set me up for failure or if I reach the goals, I never feel fully satisfied. There is no need for that kind of pressure. This year instead I decided to come up with a phrase that has really resonated with me over the past month and it is printed on my computer. It is my daily reminder that I have already started to practice...


This year has been interesting. I had a lot of success...amazing trips…met beautiful new humans...ate all the good food...grew my partnership with Shannon in so many ways. My life is truly beautiful. Every day I am grateful for my health, my success, my tribe, and what I am able to do every day as an entrepreneur, friend, and partner. 

This year has also been hard and exhausting. Work really took its toll on me and wore me down. I was ALWAYS working. It was too much. It started to affect my personal life and that is just not cool. I realized I couldn’t do it ALL and something had to give. I always felt on edge. I always had to be on. My hair was thinning, I was not sleeping, and I felt so freaking tired. I remember one time I was on Nantucket this summer and had three conference calls back to back. After the last call, I just started crying. Who cries while on vacation on Nantucket? I was in it though. I kept working, hustling, and just doing it. Things happen for a reason though and now as the New Year is here, I am working with two amazing clients and working on my brand and it feels right. It brings me joy.


  • REST more...A very hard one for me, but I have already started doing this, since my workload has slowed down within the past month. I am reading more. I have cut back on my workouts. I disconnected more. I am able to ride along and help Shannon on his jobs. These things bring me happiness and make my heart very full.

  • SAY YES more to the things that serve me...More time with friends...More date nights...Work that really resonates with me and inspires me...More adventures (always this one).

  • LOVE unconditionally both myself and others...I am a love bug. I love to love. I love to give to those that I love and I want that love to flow out like a goddamn fire hydrant. 

  • FORGIVE myself when I make mistakes...I am so so so HARD on myself when it comes to ALL THE THINGS. I will beat myself up. It is exhausting. It is an energy vampire. That precious time and energy can be used someplace else. We all mess up and that is okay. Moving forward I am giving myself grace to mess up, learn from it, and move the hell on forward. Live and Learn baby!

  • BE MORE SOCIAL...Working from home is great, but it has also made me into a hermit. It is time to get OUT. Yes to more coffee, lunch, dinner dates and walks with friends. To explore and ENJOY this beautiful Lowcountry city that I live in. 

  • BELIEVE in my purpose...For so long I have been working on lifting others up and building their brands and presence, that mine had been pushed to the wayside. Now I have the time to build them up and build me up. It is time to get in the room and do the work and INSPIRE. It is time to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. 

And because I love him so much...A shoutout to Shannon for ALWAYS being by my side. His honesty, strength, and commitment to me are hard to truly explain. He says it how it is. He knows how to make me laugh. He knows how to make me feel protected and loved. And he is ALWAYS giving me GRACE. 

Here is to the New Year...I hope it is a beautiful one for YOU!


