‘Tis the season for ALL the food...ALL the booze...ALL THE THINGS! 

Every year it seems like we go through the same motions as soon as Thanksgiving rolls around. We eat all the turkey and stuff ourselves silly and then throw in the towel, well, because Christmas and New Year’s are just a couple of weeks away, so what the hell is the point of keeping to our routines? Who has time to work out or eat well, when there are all those parties and cookies and dinners?!?!? And then as soon as New Year’s is over, we feel like shit and try to do ALL THE THINGS to fix it and we go about it the wrong way and almost set ourselves up for failure and feeling even worse.

It does NOT have to be this way. You can still enjoy the holiday season and have all the fun, so that when you ring in the New Year, you are feeling fabulous, strong, and ready to tackle whatever lies ahead. Does this take a little bit of work? Of course, it does! As I always say, living a healthy and active lifestyle is not a is a lifestyle CHANGE! Because when you are in it and living your best life, you are a better person inside and out and, well, that feeling is AMAZING! 

Here are FIVE ways that you can stay accountable during the holidays: 

WORKOUT WITH FRIENDS - My workout buddies are instant motivation! I call them “my tribe”! When I was at The Works last week and I was about to lose my cookies from doing so many squats to burpees for one song, and Kate at the end told us to give our neighbor a high-five, it was just wanted tI needed to stay in the game. When you take group classes or run/walk with a friend, you are doing it TOGETHER! It is a great way to hold yourself accountable and them as well. You may be inspiring more people than you know when you show up to sweat. 

Sign up for some new classes in your area so you can meet new people and try some new workouts! There are always some great deals happening this time of year, so step out of your comfort zone and do something new. And grab your significant other, family, or friend and do it together. One of these days I am going to get Shannon to take a class at The Works! 

SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUTS - Set yourself up for success during these crazy weeks! One of the best ways and easiest ways to do that is to schedule your workouts a week ahead, so there is no excuse to not show up. I like to do this on Sunday morning, when I am checking emails. It takes less than 5 minutes...BOOM! And when you aren’t going to a class, write down whether you are going to run/walk/or hit the gym. 

Print your schedule out or write it down and tape it to your fridge, bathroom mirror, or set an alarm on your whatever it takes to hold yourself accountable to your workout. You can prepare yourself mentally and physically for the week ahead and be ready to just do it. Of course, there are going to be some days that things may change, so be flexible and make the necessary changes. I know that your life is busy and even busier during this time of year, so make sure to follow me on Instagram, because I post a lot of my workouts, that you can do ANYWHERE! 

TREAT YOURSELF TO SOMETHING OTHER THAN FOOD OR BOOZE - You probably already know what MY ways to treat myself is, when it isn’t food or booze...Trader Joe flowers, a manicure/pedicure, facial, a new succulent, athletic apparel, or how about just ANYTHING that is going to make you feel warm and fuzzy?!?!

KEEP YOUR FRIDGE STOCKED WITH HEALTHY EATS - When you know that you are going to be eating out a lot...indulging in more rich, sweet, and decadent foods that your body isn’t typically used too, so don’t keep those things in your fridge or pantry. Not having them around will make it easier to eat right when you are home. Make sure that you have the kitchen stocked with all the goods to help you stay on track while you are at home. What I always have in the kitchen all year round, but are also good options to have in yours too:

  • Unsalted nuts;

  • Fruits and Vegetables;

  • Sweet Potatoes;

  • Hummus

  • Avocados

  • The freezer is always stocked with beef, chicken, salmon, and bacon.

Another great way to stay accountable when you are eating at home is to do some meal prep. Make some hearty soups in the slow cooker...Cut up your lettuce and veggies, so you can easily throw together some big ass salads...before you go to bed, get your breakfast items ready to go into the blender, so when you are scrambling for work, you just press the “on button” and your smoothie is ready to go when you are ready to go. 

PLEASE do not tell me that you do not have time to eat well, when you are at home. Again, SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS! When your kitchen has all the goods, you will eat all the goods. It doesn’t take a long time to make a smoothie...or make a salad...or put together a healthy post-workout snack. These options take 5 minutes TOPS. No excuses, just do it. Your body and mind will feel so much better!

DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP - Remember to ENJOY this time of year, despite all the stress, hustle, traffic, money you spent, and YES all the food and booze you consumed. I am not telling you to be a hermit and not enjoy the peppermint mochas, Christmas cookies, and champagne, it is just about moderation, and holding yourself accountable, so you can have fun and feel GOOD! 

By just following these simple tips, you will feel so much better once New Year’s is over. There will be no need to do a cleanse, or cut out carbs, or sign up for some silly challenge, that you know you can’t finish. Who the hell wants to spend the month of January starving themselves and being cranky and miserable during the middle of winter?!?!? Not freaking me!

And please note, that I am not perfect either. I have my slip-ups as well. I allow myself to indulge, to have too much fun, to have a full day of rest. You would be amazed at how much food I can put away, when I want to just stuff myself silly. But I don’t beat myself up. I wake up...drink my coffee...drink my water...move my body...and go on with my life. 

Merry Merry you beautiful humans!


