Where do I even START with this post? Dogs least in my world and my families. The amount of text messages that are sent between siblings is ALL DOGS! My Mom has no grandkids, but she has lots of dog kids. She sends us fancy dog treats whenever she magnets...They are spoiled just as much as we are. We are dog people and always have been and I am grateful to have grown up with them. 

And during this time that we are all going through, dogs have become a BIG part of our lives. Raise your hand if you have taken your dog on its millionth dog walk?!?!?! We are spending a lot more time with our four-legged friends and I think they LOVE it. Although I think there have been some days where Lucy has looked at me and said: “NO I am not going on another walk!” We have spent A LOT of time together. Sometimes when I am working she goes into the bedroom maybe to take a break from me.

Have you also noticed how many people are rescuing dogs during this time? This makes me so happy...Seeing that many rescue shelters have been cleared out because people are flocking to rescue is the kind of positivity we need in a time when all we hear is negativity on a daily basis. Dogs bring so much positivity into our lives…They are the BEST!

Choosing to rescue Lucy was obviously one of the BEST decisions I have ever made! After Kala passed away, I was living in Houston and told myself that I would give myself a year before thinking about getting another one. That didn’t last long…Not even two months later, I started doing the research. I initially was going to get another purebred golden retriever, but I couldn’t justify spending $2K or more for a dog, when there were so many abandoned dogs out there, especially in Texas.

I casually started looking into golden retriever rescues. Of course, when you are casually looking things happen a lot faster than you expect. Within a month, I found Lucy online, I met with the foster Mom, and then she was part of my home and heart. It was love at first sight.

Lucy was found on the side of the road in a crate with her brother and sister covered in fleas and so scared to come out of the crate. Her foster Mom, who I instantly connected with and has been following Lucy’s journey with me since the beginning. Sharon is a cancer survivor, a former teacher, and when I met her in the parking lot of Home Depot to meet Lucy I knew this was going to be good. ALSO…If you agree to meet the dog in person, you might as well admit you are adopting.

After spending time with Lucy and Sharon I made the decision. I mean how could you NOT. Also, both of her siblings were rescued too. One went to New Orleans and the other went to Rhode Island and is living on an apple farm. Lucy has done pretty well too…She has lived in Houston, Nantucket, New Jersey, and now Charleston. Living the good life…


  • Do Your Research: Just like you would look up stuff about a job, recipe, clothing, or house hunting, just do the WORK to figure out if this is the right thing for YOU! There are so many resources available today online, so make sure to put in the extra time to get all the facts. 

  • What Kind of Breed Do You Want: This is really important! Take note of what kind of space you live in. Do you have kids? Do you workout a lot? Do you travel a lot? Will you be able to spend time with your dog? Don’t be selfish when it comes to this decision. Really think about your lifestyle and what kind of life you can provide for your dog. For example: If you have a huge backyard that is fenced in and the dog can run all day, then that is a great thing to take into consideration when choosing a certain breed.

  • Reach Out To Friends and Local Shelters:  Start the conversations to find out the details of the best place to adopt. It is a topic that everyone loves to add their two cents about and usually, it is positive, so it is a great happy and uplifting conversation!


Crate Training: One of the best pieces of advice I received from friends and family. No ifs and or buts...the first day that I took Lucy home, her crate was ready. I covered it with blankets and made sure that there were some toys and a comfy insert for her to lay on. I put her in the crate when I went to sleep that night and that was it. She did not whine or have an accident. I actually woke up in the middle of the night and was like “is she alive?”. 

She loved the crate and I kept her in it for about six months. She would sleep in it every night and whenever I would leave my apartment, she would go right in. Eventually, I started to experiment with letting her out more, once I felt I could trust her, but the crate was always there as her safe place.

Set up the RULES ASAP: I am allergic to dogs, so I have to set up certain rules to protect my health, but you also have to set up rules, so the dog does not RULE YOU. For example, Lucy is not allowed on any furniture or in the bed. No jumping up on the counters or tables to grab food. No jumping on people. Discipline discipline discipline...It takes a lot of work and effort on a daily basis, but I believe that dogs want rules and structure just as much as we do. 

Create a schedule for the puppy and YOU: This is SO IMPORTANT! I am a creature of habit and LOVE my routine and Lucy is the same way (well at least I like to think that she is...LOL). The girl KNOWS when it is time for her walk. As soon as I put on my sneakers at my desk, she is doing her downward dog and waiting patiently for me to say those words…”are we ready to go for a walk?” She knows when it is time to eat, time to go out, she is set in her schedule just as much as I am set in mine. And it WORKS! 


She has ALWAYS eaten Nature’s Domain, which I get from Costco. She has no food allergies, which I am grateful for and she is definitely not a picky eater. Of course, she gets spoiled with other delicious eats like...fried eggs, peanut butter saltine crackers, bananas (OMG...she loves bananas and I love watching her chew it), popcorn, toast with honey, and any leftover scraps from our ribeyes (well I never have any scraps, but Shannon does...LOL). 

But her absolute FAVORITE treats are the ones that my Mom sends me from Well Bred in Chatham, NJ! OMG...when she hears me opening that bag, her ears go straight up and she is right by my side. 

I try not to give her too much people food, but when she has to eat the same dry food day in and day out, I mean, the girl deserves some deliciousness. When we are in NJ or Nantucket with my Mom, the girl gets spoiled ROTTEN and leaves 5 pounds heavier. Pancakes on crusts...All the GOOD stuff!


I exercise Lucy 5-6 times a week. I typically walk her anywhere from 45 minutes - 60 minutes per walk. Lately, during this crisis, the walks have gotten a little bit longer, because the weather has been gorgeous and I need to get OUT of the house. Our walks though have always been very meaningful to me. It is our “girl time” as I like to call it. Sometimes we walk in silence...Sometimes I am rocking out to music...Other times I use it to chat with friends and family. 

Once the beaches open back up, we will back out there. If we do go to the beach, she is allowed off the leash and this is her time to PARTY! Allowing her to run free, brings me joy and she is so so so TIRED after these rendezvous. As soon as we come home, she is out like a light! 

I do not run Lucy nor have I ever. She has some slight issues with her hips, so I don’t want to inflame them. She is not a high energy dog, so it is not necessary to worry about burning off all that energy. Our walks on and off the leash have kept her in good shape and lean, so I am not concerned about doing anymore for her. 


I am no dog expert, but I am a dog lover, and I cannot imagine my life without a dog. They bring so much happiness, love, energy, and positivity into my life. I have learned so much from my dogs throughout the years and the unconditional love and simple lives that they live has taught me to remember to live life to the fullest, to complain less, to love more, to enjoy the little things. To me, those are some pretty prophetic lessons. 



Q & A with Katie Uhran
