Hi Friends! Happy Hump Day! How have y’all been? It’s hard to believe it is already the first of May, but here we are. The weather has been outstanding and I have been able to get in some pool time over the past weekend, a long walk on the beach with Lucy, and just soaking all that Vitamin D UP UP UP and UP and it feels OH SO GOOD! I am ready for mermaid hair and sun-kissed skin.

I was alone from Wednesday until Sunday, because Shannon had to head home to Wisconsin for a few days to close up some odds and ends, so it was just me and my girl doing our thing, which really wasn’t much of anything. LOL! It was the perfect weekend to press restart. To embrace the alone time. To be able catch up on all my shows and to just do me for a little bit.

It is amazing how quiet the condo was without Shannon in it and by Sunday morning I was ready to have him back. I missed him. During the weekend I was having some serious FOMO and kept toying with going out, but at the same time I was just tired. I knew it was a sign that I just had to BE. To slow down. We have some busy weekends coming up and as hard as it was, I know it was necessary and I am glad I was able to catch up on work, clean, and organize my life a little bit.

With that being said, he’s back and we’re back at it. And it feels good! xo

And because it has been WAY TOO LONG since I have shared a workout with y’all…It has been THREE months! YIKES! I was inspired to put together another one of my challenging “GET IT DONE” workouts, because with ALL the classes that I have been taking at The Works, I remembered how much fun, effective, and hard full body workouts are with no weights. Lately these kind of workouts have been my cup of tea, so why not spread the sweaty LOVE!

Why do I love these kind of workouts?

  • You can do them anywhere;

  • No gym or equipment required;

  • It is versatile, so you can make it work for you, your schedule and your goals!

How do you make this kind of workout fit your needs?

  • If you have more time in your schedule, do the workout as long as you want!

  • If you want to increase your strength - grab a pair of dumbbells!

  • If you want to increase your endurance - add more repetitions!

  • Have more time and want to take it up a notch? Run 5 - 10 minutes before each round! BOOM!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Raise your hand if you want more workouts!!!

Do you enjoy “alone time” or do you need and thrive off busy weekends?


