OH WISCONSIN! You always seem to do a number on me…I LOVE to come and visit you and have all the FUN, but gosh darn, I never really leave that normal. YES, I leave with a big ass smile, a nice tan, but my gut, well that is a WHOLE different story! Cheese curds, lots of fried food, pizza, beer…definitely not used to it and at 40 years old, it takes me a little bit longer to recover.

How do I bounce back…A lot of sweating, but also nourishing. That is why I want to introduce y’all to my social media/pen pal friend Lauren, who is a Holistic Nutritionist, Published Author, and Recipe Developer. We have worked together in the social media world with the brands that we represent and then we connected on a personal level.

I love her approach to nutrition. Real Life. Real Food. No Bull Shit. We love to talk about gut health, nourishment, recipes, and just how we are working on living our best lives from the inside out. And she is definitely going to be making a regular appearance here, because I love her passion and knowledge. It is simple, straight to the point, and information that everyone can understand and follow. Okay, I am done blabbing…Take it away lady…

We’ve all been there. 

For some it’s a vacation or travel that leaves us feeling bloated, puffy and “heavy.” 

For others, it’s an indulgent night out, or weekend(s). 

There are a lot of factors that can contribute to feeling “FLUFFY” and “BLAH”

For starters, the liver, our King of “detox” organ, is constantly working to process the everyday toxicity in our lives. So when we add to it’s workload, be it with alcohol, heated fats/oils, excess animal protein, processed foods, or all of the above, and couple it with less sleep, and lack of water… it’s a recipe for feeling BLAH!!! 

We are all different. EVERY body is different.

Some of our bodies are dealing with more stress on the regular, so it might not take a whole lot to throw you off your game… It might take a few more days to “get back” to normal than your BFF. 

But relax. 

It’s all going to be okay. 

These 5 simple steps can help ANY body get their groove back quickly, and with very little effort. 


Your intestines are a whopping 30 feet long. When you are not “going” #2 (and I mean like daily, and multiple times a day), and instead you are peeing out liquid, you are dehydrating waste in the body. 

Flying (elevation), drinking alcohol and coffee, exercise, sweating, the heat of summer, etc. can all cause us to lose liquid. 

When waste doesn’t leave in a timely manner, it can create a sticky situation backing you up, leaving you feeling bloated, and causing extra stress on the liver, and other vital organs. 

Drinking 16 ounces of room temperature water FIRST THING on an empty stomach in the morning can help to hydrate waste and get things moving. Do this DAILY. Before coffee. Before tea. Before green juice… Heck. Even before you brush your teeth…

Why room temperature?

Cold water constricts the intestines, so make sure it is warm, hot, or room temp. 

Ideally, you will want to drink ½ your body weight in ounces per day. Aiming for 32 ounces in the morning, prior to coffee, and other liquids is ideal. 

Easy. It’s water. 

2. Organic Green Tea.  

The body can release toxins and extra fluids through urination. Like coffee, tea containing caffeine can act as a diuretic, and cause more frequent urination (So it can help with fluid retention). Unlike coffee, however, which is not only more acidic in the body, but also irritating to the liver, green tea may also help to increase enzyme activity within the liver, protecting it, while also enhancing the body’s ability to naturally “detoxify” itself. One of the liver’s many responsibilities. 

Whether you are drinking tea OR coffee… PLEASE make sure it is organic. Both tea leaves and coffee beans are highly sprayed with pesticides. 

Pesticides = stress on the liver. 

Stress on the liver = sluggish metabolism, poor immune system, and likely poor mental health. 

3. A good probiotic.

I am sure you are catching on… there is a theme here and it’s called… Superior Digestion and Immune support. A high quality probiotic is essential for ideal digestion, and a clear mind. When your body is properly absorbing nutrients from your food and then getting RID of the waste… you’ve got an ideal situation. 

AKA: You are getting the ENERGY (nourishment)  your body needs from your meals (in the form of vitamins, minerals, etc) and then it is taking out the trash. Trash wears you down, steals your energy, and can leave you feeling bloated, imbalanced, anxious and depressed. 

Probiotics help to strengthen your digestion and immune system so that an indulgent weekend, or trip, doesn’t set you back. It’s kind of like the ideal insurance policy. You go into each new scenario already covered… so your comeback is quicker, instead of being wiped out and having to start start from ground zero each time. 

4. Magnesium in the evening.

Whether you are stressed about feeling bloated, or just stressed in general… Magnesium is an alkalizing mineral that is absolutely essential for a calm mind, body, and ideal digestion. When we are stressed, (just like when we are cold), we tighten and constrict our muscles. The same thing happens with our intestines. Imagine that your intestines are like a garden hose. 

Now, in your mind, pinch it closed. 



Stops up the water flow, eh? We want to keep the flow open. Taking magnesium in the evening:

  • Calms your mind.

  • Naturally reduces anxiety.

  • Can improve sleep quality (which is necessary for any recovery). 

  • Gently and naturally relaxes your intestines so waste can move on through. 

  • Helps you react to stressors more gracefully.

If you find that your naturally wound up, suffer from insomnia, anxiety, depression, poor digestion-- you are probably magnesium deficient. 

5. Keep meals SIMPLE. I know we all read about the latest superfood of the month, and then start adding it to all the things… hemp seeds here, and avocado there, and we then pile it high on a breakfast burrito, and expect it to become magically more nutritious... but that’s not how it works. 

Especially, when we are feeling BLAH-- We need to keep it simple to give the body a moment to recover. 

My challenge to you is to add, or replace, part of your meal with a side of leafy greens, or lightly steamed/ sauteed veggies at EVERY meal. It could be… garlicky broccoli, steamed spinach, or grilled zucchini with that egg burrito… or sauteed brussel sprouts and roasted cauliflower instead of fries with that steak… or heck! It could be as simple as enjoying a leafy green salad with avocado, lemon juice and sea salt before you head out and grab a slice of something. 

Start with these simple tips. Practice them daily. 

You’ll bounce back quicker every time.

How do you bounce back after an indulgent weekend?

Are you ready for Lauren to be a regular in this space?


