Fall in Charleston is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! The mornings are a little bit cooler, there is less humidity I can leave the patio doors and windows wide open, and outdoor runs and workouts are a MUST. I still sweat like a pig, but that little bit of crisp air feels so good. And when I take Lucy for our walks, she is panting just a little bit less, but gosh darn the woman is shedding more than me.

I do like the change of seasons. I think it is the perfect time to reflect, to maybe shake things up a little bit, to practice self-care, and to gear up for the busy holiday season. Like how is it already the end of October? I recently looked at my calendar and realized that in just a few weeks we head to Wisconsin, then Florida for Thanksgiving, and then it is Christmas...WHAT??? I am so NOT READY, but I will be, because I love this time of year. All the parties, dressing up, good food, and good times with friends and family. Yes, it can be stressful and a little chaotic, but why not just embrace it and enjoy it. 

So as we come to the end of October and start to roll right into the new seasons and holidays, here are a few things are what I have been doing to stay motivated, focused, and healthy. Because you know it is going to whirlwind, why not start preparing now, so that you can stay on track and feel really good inside and out. 

TAKE IT OUTSIDE - Yes the days are shorter, darker, and it is cooler and it takes a little bit more of an effort to bundle up and get your booty psyched for an outdoor workout. Try a 30-minute walk on your lunch break, a bike ride after work, hiking on new trails with friends or your dog, or why not even try apple picking. Simple daily movements will keep your energy levels up and leave you feeling focused and happier.

GROUP FITNESS CLASSES - It is the best way to stay motivated! Everyone shows up for the same feel do something for themselves. The workouts are always different, so your body and mind are constantly being challenged. It is also a great way to socialize and meet new friends or see old friends. Sweaty, happy, and inspiring people is the perfect way to keep your mood up during the change in seasons!

SELF-CARE - ALWAYS!!! It’s so easy to get wrapped up in everything else, so make sure to take the time to take care of YOU! Self-Care doesn’t have to be expensive either. YES...if you want to do some retail therapy, a spa day, wine-tasting, or a nice dinner out, GO FOR IT. Or you could just something as simple as reading your book in a comfortable chair, walking the dog, taking a nap, or enjoying a decadent and delicious sweet treat. Do what feeds your SOUL!

SCHEDULE MORE DATES WITH FRIENDS - Coffee dates, brunch dates, dinner, dates, workouts, or even walks...Make sure to stay connected with your friends! It is also a great way to look forward to something. It is a great way to stay connected, try new places, and just talk and lean on your friends for whatever support or inspiration you may need. 

ALWAYS MORE DIGITAL DETOX - The beauty of disconnecting! It is an amazing thing when you turn it off and step away. It is so so so hard to do these days, but when we take the time to do it, how good does it feel? You become more present and you also realize how much more time you have to do ALL the things, when you aren’t scrolling or commenting. Try it...Walk away from the computer, put your phone on silent, and BREATHE. 

These are all really simple tips, but they are tips that we all need to remind ourselves of as we come into a busy time of year. The hustle and bustle, the stress, the weather...the list can add up pretty fast and can leave us feeling sluggish and depleted. But I’m going to be here. I’m going to be sharing workouts, reviews, and food to help you make it through. It will be fun, so let’s just take it one day at a time and really embrace these next few months with a healthy and happy attitude.


