Winter Mornings With LUCY

I had an AH-HA moment a few days ago that the TWO things that I love the most are the TWO things that I rarely talk about on social media! I have been thinking about this a lot lately and I talked about it briefly in last week’s blog post! Talking about the things that I care about deeply sometimes leaves me feeling vulnerable, scared, and yes, even superstitious, when I spill the beans in these spaces. It is an insecurity that starts to creep up, for a fear of being judged. No bueno! I have realized though after the past few months that I have been experiencing some serious growth that is forcing me to come out of my shell…to shine…to speak my truth…to find my VOICE…to do ME unapologetically. I will talk about this another time, because I have some things to share! I can just say that the work I have been doing is WORKING and it feels really really good!

Today though, I want to talk about LUCY! Because Lucy deserves a post and I am feeling a little sappy, and well Lucy makes me feel really really really GOOD! This little nugget is my life! I love her so much and she has brought so much to my life these past 8 years! She has lived with me in Houston, New Jersey, Nantucket, and Charleston. She is my ride or die and as a rescue dog, I’d say she is living a really good life, but more importantly she has made my life better, because that is what dogs do. Her love for swimming, walking, running, smiling, and living her best life is something that I admire. My heart is so FULL when I see her running free on the beaches of Sullivan’s Island.

There is a reason why I drive out there at 6:30 AM a few times a week during the winter months, because it is a morning routine that has become my meditation and a place of peace.

SI is a whole different world during the winter months and I love it! The beaches are empty, except for the regulars, there is a different kind of energy out there by the water, and sometimes it reminds me of Nantucket (minus the raw cold and blowing wind). And the morning light is breathtaking. There is so much healing power being by the water, watching the sunrise, soaking in the ocean air, and walking peacefully with Lucy. It’s truly magical and I am grateful that I am able to do this!

At least three times a week, before my 8:30 AM yoga classes at The Works, I wake up around 5:00 AM, to drink my coffee, do at least an hour of work, and then get ourselves ready to be out the door by 6:30 AM. The sky is just starting to get light, the roads are pretty quiet, and I am on the beach in 20 minutes. It’s not always easy to wake up that early and start moving your body in these cooler temperatures, but it’s so worth it and I know how much Lucy loves it too. Team effort!

We walk for an hour and these days for the first 20 minutes it is just US! I like it this way…Being alone on the beach allows Lucy to run wild and free without a care in the world. It allows me to just BE. In this space, I am allowed to collect my thoughts, find inspiration for work, and do the work on myself! And as a Pisces, I find so much energy and inspiration by the water. It heals my soul and makes me feel all the good things. It is that powerful and if you know…you know!

And let’s talk about WALKING too…It is so underrated and as I have gotten older, I never thought how much JOY I would find in walking! I do it at least 4 - 5 times a week and Lucy is always by my side. It is easier on my body; it is a great way to flush out the intense yoga and strength training I do; I can soak up some Vitamin D; I connect with people; it is good for not only the body but for the mind; and MOST importantly your dog will love you more!

I realize that as I write this post it wasn’t about Lucy as much as I thought it would be, but it is more about my winter morning routine, meditation, healing, and healthy movement. Lucy though motivates me to get up early and get to the beach, because her happiness and health mean the world to me. It wouldn’t be the same without her by my side. Our bond is special and knowing she enjoys our beach time as much as I do, fills me up beyond belief.

My thoughts in this post are pretty BOLD and may not resonate with everyone, but in this crazy world of negativity, weirdness and corruption, there is so much purity, love, and happiness in owning, raising, and creating a a life with a dog. Dogs RULE and I am grateful to have one that loves me unconditionally, teaches me, doesn’t judge me, and just wants to be loved and spoiled, fed, and experience the beauty that nature has to offer us. I say it all the time to friends…I wish humans would take a few pointers from dogs on how to live and act and maybe the world would be a different place!



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HELLO December