Stay Grounded…Protect Your Energy…Vibrate Higher!

I have been practicing yoga for 20+ years all over the country and it is just another one of my favorite ways to move, sweat, stay inspired, and connect with amazing like minded people. My practice has allowed me to grow, heal, while also strengthening me mentally, spiritually, and physically. Yoga does ALL THE THINGS! It is movement that I do weekly and never really take a break from, unless I am traveling. It makes me feel good from the inside out and I am grateful that I am able to practice as much as I can and have a studio in Charleston that allows me to sweat out the crazy and do ALL THE THINGS 3-4 times a week. PS - I know I repeat myself a lot, but ALL THE THINGS is one of my favorite sayings when it comes to health, wellness, and movement, because it is true and when you do the work on yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually it all comes together full circle.

But let’s dive into yoga today and how these THREE things are why I practice…


I’m going to be 45 years old in March and since turning 40 I have really focused more on strength training, stretching, walking, running, and listening to my body! It has taken a lot of work, experimentation, trust, but also honing in on what makes me feel my best, because I don’t want to waste my time doing workouts that don’t serve me. Life is too short to do crappy workouts that make you feel crappy! Yoga does NOT make me feel crappy, so that is why I do it so much, and why if you live in Charleston, you will see me all the time in the back right corner at The Works!

The Works offers a variety of classes, but what I LOVE is their focus on strength training. They get it and they get why it is so crucial for us to continue to build muscle and strength as we get older. But they also focus on the Vinyasa, the core, the sculpting, it is everything that I want in a 60 minute class. I never leave regretting that I showed up and left everything on that sweaty mat. Being consistent in that space, has allowed my body to become stronger, which has improved my running and my overall well being. I am that woman lifting up the heavy things in Costco with proper form, carrying all the grocery bags, lifting my dogs up and out of the car. Always training for LIFE!

Please note, that I am definitely a little crazy and not the normal yogi. I am an athlete, so I like intense, hard, challenging workouts! It is just who I am and always will be. I have practiced at yoga studios all over the country, but The Works REALLY gives me that physical component that I love and need and always keep coming back for more!


Let’s face it, I can be a total head case. I overthink. I worry. I stress out about things that I cannot control. I can get into my head a lot, so being able to step on that mat and forget about it all for about 60 minutes, is PURE BLISS! Yoga and working out in general can be an escape for me and my thoughts, but it also allows me to calm down and recognize “the noise” and what I need to be better, do better, and think straight! The creativity, the focus, and the strength I have after practicing or training is why I keep showing up. It is a beautiful addiction that I am grateful to be able to do every day!

What I love so much about The Works, besides the physical aspect of the yoga that they offer, is also the mental health aspect! The people in that room have become my support system. The people in that room show their flaws, their crazy, their fun, their true colors. There is no hiding in there and it is why I love to be surrounded by the teachers and the students. It is badass, beautiful, inspiring, and rewarding to be surrounded by people who get YOU, get why YOU are there, get why YOU want to sweat, to heal, to do the damn work!

Yoga has always helped me mentally on and off the mat and I love that my practice is able to do that for me. There are times I cry, laugh, feel angry, happy, it is ALL THE THINGS! I allow myself to be vulnerable on the mat, so that I can heal and be the best version of me off the mat too. It is a beautiful thing to be aware of not only what makes your body feel good, but what makes you mentally feel good!


I grew up Catholic, but every since my father passed away, I took a step back from practicing Catholicism and religion in general. Nothing really spoke to me or resonated with me and I didn’t want to push it. It wasn’t until I went through my yoga teacher training in Denver and a hard break up, that I found peace and spirituality in yoga. I felt calm on my mat and in the studio. I felt safe. I felt joy. My yoga teacher training was intense and it was a time that I learned so much about yoga in general, but also myself. The timing of this training was perfect and it allowed me to grieve, grow, heal, and evolve into a new person in my 30’s. Ever since that training, I have practiced religiously and believe that right now this is the spirituality that I need. As I get older, maybe this will change, but for this chapter of my life, yoga is bringing me the peace and strength inside my soul that I need right now.


If you are ever in Charleston, come join me at The Works to get in the room with me and feel all the things, do all the things, and meet some pretty amazing people while moving, sweating, and feeling GOOD from the inside out. It’s an experience you don’t want to miss!



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