Sometimes being so in tune with your body can be a blessing and a curse! Taking care of myself physically and nutritionally is a HUGE part of my life and work. Over the years, I have spent a lot of time, research, and dedication to finding what works for ME, my body, and my lifestyle. It has been a lot of work, experimentation, and patience, but in the end, I truly believe it is worth it, because I am worth it, and I want to feel and look my best inside and out. 

So why do I stay it is a blessing and a curse? Because when certain foods, a workout, travel, and STRESS affect you, I feel it all...the good and the BAD.

For example: 

  • When it comes to TRAVEL...it wreaks havoc on my body. I get extremely constipated, my body swells, and my appetite is all out of whack. Not fun.

  • When it comes to FOOD...This one is definitely a curse...LOL! I no longer do protein powders, because certain ingredients make me so bloated, I can look like I’m pregnant. No more NuttZo. The seeds do the exact same thing to me. My body just cannot digest them. 

  • When it comes to WORKOUTS...I will never do CrossFit again. I hate box jumps and hang cleans and after doing them for 4 years in college, it does not serve me and I honestly just don’t like the way it makes my body feel or look. Plus, the two times that I have done it, I always end up tweaking something. 

BUT...The BLESSING side of being so in tune with my body...I know what makes me FEEL so GOOD inside and out! I know that running, yoga, and 2 days of strength training make me feel strong. I know that a big ass piece of Rib-Eye every once in a while feeds my soul, that salmon is good for my gut and I could eat it almost every night, along with a roasted Japanese sweet potato, and that really good crunchy rustic bread with avocado is just DELICIOUS. I also know that when I am stressed and my body is out of WHACK, I just need to ride it out. I need to HYDRATE...move my body to sweat it out...breathe...and the newest addition to the routine is to take a probiotic. 

I have been taking a probiotic for 4 months now and have been taking NOURI for the past two months. Why did I start taking a probiotic? My gut was a hot mess. Everything felt out of whack and I was frustrated. Nothing seemed to be moving along smoothly and the more frustrated I got the more my body was rebelling. Again, there is that curse of sometimes being so in tune with your body. 

After doing some research and talking with my amazing friends who are nutritionists, I decided to give probiotics a shot. I was a little weary in the beginning, but four months later, I am a full believer.

NOURI probiotics have made a big change in my DIGESTION, which was the first thing I noticed and thank goodness, because there is nothing more frustrating than being constipated and plugged up! Am I right?!?! Do I think he helped me fight off two bouts of sickness? HELL YEAH! My body fought hard and I was able to escape the Shannon holiday cooties and the travel cooties. Do I think it has helped with my energy levels? This one is a little bit harder to tell, but I definitely think it has had an impact on my energy, considering it is winter and it has been grey and cooler and this is usually when I am a little sluggish. Between some personal attitude changes and NOURI, I am rocking 2020. 

What are the benefits of NOURI?

  • Brain & gut health

  • Super immunity

  • Increased energy

  • Healthy inflammatory response

  • Advanced digestion

Why should you choose NOURI?

NOURI is the only product on the market to deliver probiotics and  plant-based omega oil  in one capsule, so your body receives double benefits with just one daily effort by you. Targeted probiotics give your body the daily support it needs for digestive and immune health while plant-based omega fatty acids support your body and brain. 

Where can I buy NOURI?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away. 

Do you take a probiotic? If so, which one? 

Would you ever consider taking a probiotic?


