A Week In Review

HELLO Beautiful Friday! How are you doing friends? How was your week? No small talk needed, so let us jump right into today's post before I kick off the weekend and disconnect. After working a little too much last weekend, it is time to step away from the devices. Happy Friday friends! XO

My Weekly Reminder...I love this quote! Thanks Leslie for posting this on Tuesday! I have spent this week worrying too much about my social media numbers and it ends up being annoying and exhausting. There is so much more to life and happiness! So YES, I am looking forward to time away from my devices this weekend. To enjoy the tangible things in life that bring me joy! 

Week Of Workouts...There has been lots of running involved over the past couple of weeks, which has me thinking about signing up for a race. It has been way too long and I am itching for something to help me stay motivated with a goal in site. I am even thinking about triathlons again too...HA! I am not sure what has gotten into me, but I am kind of excited about it! 

The weather on the east coast has been cold and snowy, so any sort of running outside is not safe. I do not mind the treadmill as long as I have some good shows to watch. It is usually my time to either catch up on the news of watch the Food Network. And to beat the boredom on the step mill, I always bring my book. 

  • Sunday - 45-minute run + Strength Training (Legs + Triceps)

  • Monday - 45-minute on the Step Mill + Strength Training (Chest + Shoulders + Core)

  • Tuesday - 6-mile treadmill run + 25-minute outdoor walk with Lucy (the sun was out WAHOO!)

  • Wednesday - 45-minute on the Step Mill + Strength Training (Back + Core)

  • Thursday - 90-minute walk with Lucy

  • Friday - TBD

  • Saturday - OFF

Favorite Eats Of The Week...I forgot how good and easy preparing spaghetti squash is and I finally roasted it on Sunday when I was stuck inside ALL day because of ice. It is a great substitute to pasta. I can do without pasta, but bread...heck no! Crispy Italian bread slathered in butter and dipped in sauce...DELICIOUS! I had that meal 2 nights in a row and it just hits the spot on cold winter nights and leaves me feeling satisfied without the bloat. 

How did I prepare my spaghetti squash:

  • Cut in half + take out the seeds + drizzle in olive oil and salt;

  • Place flat side down on a baking shee;

  • Roast for 50-60 minutes at 400 degrees! Shred out the insides or eat straight out of the half!

Sweet Breakfast Bowl - Eggs + Fruit + Nut Butter

More BIG Beautiful Salads (except this time it's not in Tupperware)

Spaghetti Squash Bowls - Mom's Meat Sauce and Crispy Bread

Recent Reads...I LOVE to read and it is the best way for me to SLOW DOWN at the end of the day! I start working every morning between 6:45 AM - 7:15 AM, so I am pretty tired at night. Disconnecting earlier from all of my devices and reading instead of watching TV in bed, has definitely made a huge difference. Since I have made this change into my nightly ritual, I have been flying through books! These 2 are great reads to help you unwind at the end of busy day!

  • A Dog's Purpose - Funny, sad, heart-warming, and so TRUE, this book is for dog lovers!

  • Eligible - The modern day version of "Jane Austen" this book was so much fun to read!

I am ready for the weekend and hoping the sun will stay out and grace us with her presence! Enjoy friends and see you next week!

What is the best thing you ate this week?

What was the last good book you read?


Friday Friendly Reminders


Building A Beautiful SALAD