“When you look back at your past, look tenderly and gently at all you have been through. Look with the eyes of the soul. See that each experience was necessary to bring you home to your heart” - Melody Beattie

I cannot believe I am 39 years old today!?!?! How the heck did that happen? How am I one year away from 40? Where is time going? Can someone please press a pause button, because time is going by too fast!!! Seriously...Where did this year GO???

As I look back on this past year, I can HONESTLY say that I finally do feel at home, after many years of searching, traveling, and feeling like I was living that gypsy life. I am ready to stay put! I feel 100% in LOVE with my life, my relationships, and my work. The road to this place has not been easy and it is still not is called LIFE. I have hit a lot of speed bumps, but I have learned a lot. I have opened myself up more than I have ever before. I am living authentically. I am being honest and true to myself and to those who I love.

What is in store for this year?

I am not setting any goals...I am going to go into this year and continue to do what I am doing. I am going to hustle. I am not going to give up on making this brand HAPPEN. I will continue to push my body, listen to my body, and do the things that make my body look the way I want it to look. I will continue to nourish my body, but also make sure I enjoy wine, buttery scones, and lots of delicious burgers and fries. I am going to just be and do ME. Like I have said, again and again, you are going to see the good moments and the not so pretty ones because this is real. Hell yeah, I get scared about putting myself out there, talking about my relationships, my struggles, my accomplishments. But what I have learned through blogging and social media is that I have made some pretty amazing connections, friendships, and I have learned a lot.

So before things get too mushy here...Today I am treating myself to all the things I love, doing the things I love, enjoying time with the people I love and celebrating making it through another year of life. Better with age...Just like a fine wine!

I wanted to give a gift to ALL of you as a thank you for your support, love, friendship, comments, and for following me on this journey. And YES, it is a workout, because what else would you expect from me?!?!?! I absolutely LOVE this one, because just like the title says, it gets the job DONE. You should most definitely print this workout out and put it on your fridge...put it in your gym bag...leave it on the treadmill and tackle it whenever you feel the need to move your body.

I created this workout when I was stuck inside during a snowstorm. I, of course, was antsy from doing nothing and wanted to move and sweat. BOOM...the “Get It Done Workout” was created. It is quick, efficient, effective, and targets every muscle in your beautiful body. It works on strength, endurance, and gets your heart rate up to burn fat and calories. And the best part is it requires no equipment and can be done ANYWHERE. No excuses my fabulous friends.

I am grateful for ALL of you and want you to join me as I tackle 39 and everything that this year is going to bring me. Now it is time to enjoy my birthday...To have some FUN...And keep on hustling!!!



