#SummerStrong Outdoor Workout

HELLO Summer! I hope that y'all had a beautiful weekend that was filled with lots of sunshine laughter, good food, and outdoor adventures! The sun was shining brightly here on Nantucket and we made sure to soak it ALL UP. Life has been busy, non-stop, run around crazy, but it is beautiful and fun and I am just doing what I can when I can, while still being able to enjoy life...Yes it is definitely easier said than done, but I love what I do and what is happening on this island professionally, so I am just going to roll with it. Still working on balance and the personal side, but that will happen...

Smoothie game is still going STRONG and I am plowing through these Bob's Red Mill Nutritional Boosters. I honestly LOVE them and I like the way they make my body feel...the taste...no side effects...and that I can load them up with whatever add-ins I am craving.

Strawberry Kale Chocolate Protein Smoothie with Tamari Pumpkin Seeds

Mango Chai Protein Smoothie with Nuttzo Original Peanut Crunchy

It has been way too long since I have shared a workout, but I figured that this would be an appropriate time since we are celebrating the #SummerStrong and #FuelYourAwesomeness Challenge (which is July 18 - July 23). Moving and nourishing your body go in hand in hand...You need to do BOTH to feel and look your best inside and out. 

I created this workout for the gym, but I made some changes so that you can do this outside at home and soak up that Summer air. I am a Pisces...I LOVE the water...the sunshine...and just being outside and of course being active outside. And these pieces of equipment are inexpensive...I believe in having a stability ball, a set of dumbbells, and a jump rope at home. You can do LOTS of workouts with these tools. So pick some up and store them in your basement or garage and you can use them year round. 

And onto the workout...Here are a few tips: 

  • Warm up with 15-20 minutes of cardio if you want to get in a full hour;

  • Do 3 rounds of each circuit and then move onto the next circuit;

  • Rest 45-60 second between each round;

  • Remember to hydrate, breathe, and focus on form...not speed!

Make sure to head on over to my Instagram feed and follow along and enter the GIVEAWAY and of course make sure to print out this workout and give it a try on one of these beautiful Summer days...Oh and if you are just itching to get your hands onto Bob Red Mill's Nutritional Boosters, you can print out a coupon HERE

Have a fabulous start to the new week friends!

Has your "smoothie game" been strong this Summer?

Are you taking your workouts outside to soak up that Vitamin D?


Walgreens #DoDEOBetter


Natalie's Orchid Orange Beet Smoothie