Simple Protein Pancakes

I LOVE protein pancakes! They are simple, easy to make, delicious, and the perfect breakfast to keep me nourished and satisfied after a busy morning! I typically wake up anywhere between 5:45 AM - 6:15 AM (I'm trying HARD to sleep later...GAH). I spend some time doing social media work (with coffee of course); train a client or teach a class; get my workout in; and then FINALLY EAT! My tummy is always grumbling after mornings like this and these protein pancakes are my "go to" these days, because they make my belly very happy! And the best part is they are made in less than 15 minutes...WINNING! 



  1. Mix together the first 3 ingredients + water until you acquire the consistency that you like;

  2. Heat up your pan to medium - high heat;

  3. Add batter and cook about 5 minutes on each side;

  4. Top with fruit and nut butter;

  5. ENJOY!

And remember ALL of us have different goals, needs, and appetites, so what works for me and my training, may not work for you! So cook it up...Try it out..and ENJOY! I hope that you all have a FABULOUS start to the new week! XOXO

Do you make protein pancakes?


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