
This summer on Nantucket I have seen a lot more plastic surgery than ever before...And honestly, it makes me sad! Women of all ages not only here, but all over the world are starting to morph into something that is far from REAL. Women are injecting their bodies with "stuff" constantly to stop the aging process and it has become a serious and disturbing addiction. Women are turning into something that is far from a "natural" look. What happened to aging gracefully?

I remember when I was younger, my Mom would always say to my Dad: "I just want a little tuck here around my eyes and a little pull here on my neck?" My Dad, who was a surgeon was very adamant that this was not going to happen...The main reason was because he LOVED her for who she was inside and out and he did not want her to change. I am glad he said no because my Mom is aging beautifully, but it is also because her beauty is so strong within. 

I too have even thought about plastic surgery. When I lost a lot of weight after college, my boobs took on a whole new look and it was definitely not the perky look. And it is not my boobs that are sagging too, it is happening everywhere. No matter how many chest presses I do, different variations of squats I perform, cardio, lunges, my body is just not the way it used to be. This is LIFE and this is REALITY! I have cellulite that will never go away. I have stretch marks on my inner thighs. I have freckles and sun spots on my face. I have wrinkles around my eyes and mouth. This is me at 37! 

Would it be nice to have perky boobs again...OBVIOUSLY! But going under the knife and changing my body into something else is just not what I want. And that is my choice. I will continue to train hard as long as I can. I will continue to eat well on a daily basis, but make sure that I indulge in wine, pizza, cheeseburgers, and sweet treats whenever my big heart desires. I will do it the natural way to achieve the look that makes me feel my BEST!

I do not want to look like the Kardashians. I do not want to look like a plastic doll. I do not want to look unrecognizable. How weird is it to see so many women on TV these days of ALL ages caked in makeup, filled with botox, and never looking disheveled? And you wonder why women put so much pressure on themselves to look a certain way...to eat a strict diet...do hours of cardio...It is a hard look to maintain day in and day out. It looks flat out miserable! 

If my friends and a man cannot accept these beautiful imperfections, then we are not meant to be. REAL beauty comes from the inside! Do not get me wrong, I work really hard to get to stay strong. To eat well. To maintain a look that works for me. And YES, I have had my own demons with food and exercise in the past and even some days now. I am human and I have slip ups and YES society can put pressure on me too. That is normal. But I recognize it...Talk about...And then move the HELL on, because I do not want to waste my time on constantly worrying about "what I should look like". There is way too much fun to be had out in the world to focus on this! 

LOVE what God gave you! Embrace your strengths, your weaknesses, your flaws, and remember that the REAL beauty comes from deep inside! When that inner beauty vibrates out, others notice it and LOVE you for who you are! #REALWomenWrinkle is definitely my favorite hashtag of this summer and I constantly remind myself to that is REAL!

What are your thoughts on #REALWomenWrinkle?

Are you disturbed by the "look" that women are trying to attain?


Currently This August...


16 Getting To Know Me Things