Pressing The Reset Button

The 2020 Burnout Is For REAL and I hit that wall HARD!

  • I had writer’s block…

  • My photos felt stagnant and blah…

  • My message was not authentic…

  • The inspiration and motivation to create just weren’t there…

  • I was doubting myself, my message, and whether I even had the passion to keep doing this!!!

I was so CLOSE to throwing in the towel on this brand and this space. I was ready to give up. I took a week to think it talk it sleep on feel all the feels...and most importantly to REST and HEAL!

“Make today a healing day…Then take some time and make every day a healing day.” - Melody Beattie

If you didn’t know...I am a VERY sensitive, emotional, and passionate human. As a Pisces, I just feel it all. I take a lot of things to heart. I am emotional in my life, my relationships, my writing, my work, so when I hit these moments in my life, they way heavy on me. It can be a blessing and curse, especially when you are trying to make it as an entrepreneur. But I have learned through the years that is what makes ME and I ride the waves, I take some time to breathe, I press the reset button, and BOOM I am ready to go again. And the fact that it was a holiday week, was almost a blessing in disguise. It really made disconnecting that much easier.

When I let go of putting the pressure on myself to post, to write, to be on 24/7, I opened up a lot of brain space that allowed for other things to happen…

A lot of healthy, happy, healing shifts, and changes occurred...

REAL Human Connection

Sounds so obvious, but you don’t realize how much time you spend on your phone, until you just stop scrolling, checking, and posting, and look up to see who you are surrounded by. Two weekends ago, we went up to Charlottesville to celebrate the engagement of our friends. It was an incredible weekend and when the celebrations started on Friday at 4:00 PM, I was done with all things social until Sunday evening at the airport, when I finally decided to check my emails, updates, etc.

We had incredible meals...We visited these unbelievable wineries...We met new people, reconnected with old friends...We lived our best life that weekend and I felt rejuvenated. Let’s face it, I really didn’t feel 100% from all the partying that we did, but everything else that happened brought me so much JOY! Truly grateful for the tribe that I have surrounded myself with since moving down South. 

New Focus on Workouts and Food

Just like with work, it was time to press reset and just do different things. I can always feel when I hit a plateau with my workouts and food. It feels stagnant, almost boring, and it was time to spice it up a little bit. 

I am still going on my walks with Lucy and soaking up the sunshine, because this part of my day is something that will never change. I will be spending more time on the yoga mat, because it has been MONTHS and MONTHS and it is time to get back on it, especially with these cooler temperatures and I just need the stretch!!! I am ready to be back and I am ready to be back in the room!!!

And with FOOD, the holidays, again...the food, the parties, BRING IT ON! All in moderation of course! I love this time of year and who really knows what is going to happen and what they will try to restrict on us, but I know that here, I am going to make the most of it, enjoy it, eat it, drink it, and have FUN, because life is too short not to do it.

Remember to give yourself GRACE during this time of year! I am also speaking for myself as well. Eat the things that you love and make you happy. Drink really good wine or fun cocktails. Dress up fancy. Make yourself feel GOOD. When you feel good on the inside it just radiates all the goodness onto others and we all need that good energy. 

Recreate My Vision

I really needed to sit on this one throughout the week! I am learning as I get older that so many things are out of my control. Our bodies, our lives, our relationships, and yes our VISIONS are in constant motion. We crave change. We are not meant to be stagnant and do the same things day in and day out. Yes, I may have my “things” that I try remain the same, but even those things have a way of evolving too. 

In this space, I thought I wanted to focus on fitness and food. I had a schedule of what I would do each week, but it wasn’t filling me up. I am finding that more people are wanting to see ME, Lucy, Shannon, my LIFE in Charleston. It is hard for me to open and show the good, the not so pretty, the real stuff. I have never been one to fully expose myself. But I want to do it gracefully and slowly. I am going to go at my own pace and just do me. 

There will always be FOOD, but my food is so simple and I am by no means a food photographer, nor will I ever be one. So you’ll continue to see rib-eyes, lots of tortilla chips, and obviously ugly ass roasted sweet potatoes. 

And like food, FITNESS is and ALWAYS will be here, because it is my JAM. Sweat, movement, strength, truly fills up my soul. Since, I spend so much time working from home, working out at the studios I love is what I want to share and promote. These are my people who see me pretty frequently during the week and they help me get out of my head, comfort zone, and build me up physically. Maybe I will start creating/sharing my workouts, but I am not going to force it. There are plenty in this space to look up and check out. 


When I work from home, I typically can listen to talk radio for up to 5+ hours a day. It is exhausting and depressing. It was too much and I realized it was killing my mood, like big time. This past week when my computer suddenly shut down and I had to fix it for a good few hours, I realized how much I didn’t need that noise. I turned on the Christmas music and just worked. MOOD CHANGER. 

  • Less talk radio…

  • More relaxing...

  • More reading…

  • More human connection…

  • More time spent doing things that feed my soul…

  • More time being grateful for all that I have…

  • Lots and lots of spreading LOVE and JOY this holiday season and into 2021...

It is basic, simple, and things that I plan on doing after pressing the reset button! I’m ready, are YOU?!?!



Let's Talk About The Scale


Currently In November