Get a Taste of ADVENTURE

*Although this post is sponsored by Nature’s Touch™ , all opinions are my own*

 Adventure…Fun…Health…Wellness…Nourish…LOVE! These are definitely words that I try to focus on and also words that make my mind and body happy. I try to keep things simple when it comes to life, work, training, and even my food. Life gets too messy when there is too much STUFF!

I am excited to have teamed up with Nature’s Touch to talk about their frozen fruit and vegetables; share a fun recipe that is loaded with nutrients that will help you on your next adventure. I encourage you to enter their #FlavorAdventure GIVEAWAY!

As of lately, I have been doing more exploring and adventuring on the hilly trails for lots of outdoor FRESH AIR! Hiking is fun, challenging, and a great way get outside. Lucy, of course, is a big fan of it too, as she LOVES being able to run free. We pack lots of water, warm clothing, and meet up with my good friend to tackle up to 5 miles through the woods. Before our hikes, I always make sure to fuel up with a nutritious, healthy, delicious, and simple breakfast. It’s a good way for me to “Get a Taste of Adventure” before our hike.

Nature’s Touch Blueberry Overnight Oats


  • 1 cup Nature’s Touch Organic Blueberries

  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds

  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk

  • ½ cup plain yogurt

  • ¼ cup oatmeal

  • Dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice

  • A heaping spoonful of nut butter - (You could also use granola, coconut flakes, or nuts)!


  1. Mix ½ cup Nature’s Touch Organic Blueberries + chia seeds + Greek yogurt + oatmeal + unsweetened almond milk + spices in a jar;

  2. Cover and place in the fridge overnight;

  3. Top with the remaining ½ cup Nature’s Touch Organic Blueberries a spoonful of nut butter or other toppings of choice!

So why should you buy Nature’s Touch to start creating adventurous, healthy, and simple recipes?

  • Frozen fruits and vegetables are convenient, available year round, and taste great;

  • Frozen fruits and vegetables are picked and packed at its peak and have great nutritional value;

  • They offer Pesticide-Free and Organic options!

What products does Nature’s Touch offer?

  • Organic Mangos Pesticide-Free Mangos

  • Organic Blueberries Pesticide-Free Wild Blueberries

  • Organic Broccoli

  • Organic Kale Pesticide-Free 3 Berry Mix

And where can you find Nature’s Touch? I got mine at my local ShopRite in Chatham, NJ.

And now about that GIVEAWAY

Nature’s Touch is having a FUN Instagram contest, for your chance to win a FOODIE ADVENTURE, plus other great prizes, that I know you all will love! All the details are below and make sure to click on the graphic to get more information on the contest and get other inspirational recipes. The entry dates of the contest are 3/20/17 – 5/31/17, so mark your calendars and start cooking, creating, and nourishing your body with these delicious frozen fruits and veggies! Make sure to click on the photo below to learn more about the GIVEAWAY!

 Do you purchase a lot of frozen fruit and vegetables?

What is your favorite frozen food?



Happy and Healthy with Nature's Recipe


Weekend Ramblings