Currently August 2020

OMG...How are we already in September? It is kind of weird how time is going by so fast, when we are currently living in the #2020shitshow! Sometimes the days seem to drag by, but the weeks and months FLY by...I don’t get it. But here we are, welcoming September and I am trying to remain positive, strong, and motivated to be there for my friends, family, and local businesses here in Charleston. I am so grateful to live here and I thank my lucky stars to have beautiful weather, Shannon by my side, friends, my health, a strong body, and a job that I love to do. I still have my “Negative Nancy” moments, but I allow myself to feel them, but then also move on from them. A sweat session, a walk with Lucy, a good conversation with a girlfriend, or binging on some trashy reality TV show, can always fix it...LOL!

Let’s lighten things up a little bit and do a CURRENTLY post as we close out August. I saw Peanut Butter Runner share this last week and thought I would join the party too. 

Currently Reading:

I just finished Elizabeth Gilbert’s “The Signature of All Things” and it was a disappointment. It dragged on for WAY WAY WAY too long and just never seemed to end. I refused to give up, so I just kept reading. Unfortunately, nothing compares to “Eat Pray Love”, which is definitely one of my top favorite books. 

What is next? I am going to “Verity” by Colleen Hoover a try, as I have been wanting to read a good thriller. This book was lent to me by a friend, so we’ll see how it goes. 

*Random Note - This Sunday is National Read a Book Day* I would love to start doing more blog posts about books, because I feel that now people are reading reading reading away!

Currently In The Market For:

I am definitely in need of some Lululemon gear! I am at that point where my stuff is starting to smell. Well, when you wear it 24/7 since the #2020shitshow started, things are bound to get a little stinky. I would love to purchase a new Energy Bra, Wunder Unders, 1x pair of running shorts, and a Tank Top. Hmmm...How much will this cost me?!?!?! GAH! 

Currently Drinking:

Smith Devereux Wines...Ian reached out to me a few months ago through IG and how can a girl say NO to wine?!?! He sent me three bottles, which are below. I have had the first two and both were delicious, refreshing, light, and perfect for summer. I am going to wait to enjoy the Merlot with a rib-eye dinner or when it gets a little cooler. We have some things in the works, so keep an eye out for more posts about this wine.

Currently craving:

A Rib Eye...That craving is for REAL! When I crave red meat, it is usually a sign that I need more iron, from the intense workouts that I do, so when that craving starts to heat up, I fulfill it. I have cut back on my red meat consumption this past year, as sometimes too much of it makes me feel no bueno. Lots of salmon, tuna fish, chicken, and eggs. And then when I need my meat, I go for it and GO BIG. It is just how I roll and the craving is fulfilled. BOOM! 

Currently watching:


Cowboys...Horses...Mountains...Wild open spaces...I cannot get enough of this show. I have to limit myself to only watching it on the weekends, because otherwise, I would finish it in one day. It is that GOOD. It also makes me want to run away to a ranch in Montana and put on my cowboy boots, wrap myself in a thick blanket, sit in an Adirondack chair, with a delicious glass of red wine, and just soak up that mountain air. 

Currently Anticipating:

 The day when I can lace up my running shoes and go for a run longer than 5 miles! I have been patient with this healing process and changing up my workouts and taking full rest days. It is taking time, but I believe it is happening. I am going to keep doing what I am doing and take it one day at a time. It is all I can do and I will keep doing it, because when I can start doing longer runs, I will be a happy lady!

Currently Wishing For:

 NORMALCY…This is not a normal way to live! Our lives have been thrown upside down and not knowing what is next or when we go back to our NORMAL lives is unsettling and scary. I want to see my friends’ kids go back to school, for their sanity and for their kids as well. I want restaurants and bars to be open to full capacity. I want to see small businesses thriving again. I want people to feel safe where they live. To think about what we have been through these past few months is EXHAUSTING, heart-breaking, and not normal!

Currently Indulging In:

Taking time on the weekends to disconnect from social media! It seems like a simple task, but when social media is your livelihood it is HARD, but it is a must. We all need to take breaks now and then, but removing myself from my phone and computer for 1 - 2 days on the weekend is a game-changer. I have also been taking ONE FULL day from working out as well and oh man, does that feel good too. Small, SIMPLE, healthy changes that help me a better person for work, my relationships, and my overall well-being. Still learning, growing, and getting out of my own damn way at 41 years old.

Currently Feeling Blessed By:

Being able to live in Charleston! Through all of this #2020shitshow, I am blessed to live in a state where the gyms/fitness studios are open, restaurants are open, there hasn’t been constant rioting and violence (I still feel safe). I am blessed by the hot summer days and nights and that I am able to soak up that sunshine. I am blessed to have a roof over my head and that I am able to work from home with Lucy by my side. I love that Shannon is busier than ever and successful as ever. It is important for ME, to write these things out, because it is easy to forget. I believe that right now it is simple things that can bring us joy and still help us thrive!

Currently Pondering:

When we can book an all-inclusive vacation to some tropical paradise this winter! I just want to escape. No shirts, no shoes, and a pina colada sounds heavenly!

Currently Looking Forward To:

What is next for ME and my CAREER! I made some decisions over the weekend and they are some big ones and they are ones that have me scared, but more excited at the same time. But it is TIME. Now more than ever it is time to share my knowledge and my PURPOSE with this community and beyond. It is time to DREAM BIGGER and BETTER, because if there is anything we are learning these days, life is short and we need to enjoy it! Buckle up friends and join me for this next chapter!





Meet MEG - Owner of The Method Studios