Raise your hand if December is kicking you ass?!?!?! It has been one hell of a month and I am SO READY for Christmas. I am READY to disconnect. I am READY to be present with family and friends. I am READY to live in the moment and just BREATHE, EAT, DRINK, and, of course, BE MERRY! It is kind of funny and kind of annoying how we go into the holidays with all the right intentions, but somehow life happens and it still exhausts us and leaves us feeling run down. When you are an entrepreneur and you are dating an entrepreneur, this time of year is just flat out NUTS.

Shannon and I have been working like crazy and we are both at that point where time away from Charleston is happening at exactly the right time. We both have been plowing through and just getting it done, because that is what we do. But eventually it catches up with you, so it’s time to slow it nourish.

I had no intentions of writing a blog post this week, but when I received an email from a good friend yesterday and could sense her stress and emotions, I had the inspiration to write about how we need to be kind to ourselves during this time of year. This is a reminder to myself and to all of you, that YES it is totally normal to be all out of sorts during this time of year, but let’s try to reel it in and practice some self-care and remember to SLOW DOWN. So how do we do it? How do I do it?

DISCONNECT - Thankfully I have been practicing this more and more and will continue practicing it through the New Year! Disconnecting to me is like taking days off from working out. I don’t necessarily like to do it, but it’s a must for my physical and mental well-being. After taking a few days off, I come back stronger, more focused, and inspired to dive into my projects with clarity.

But the most important reason for disconnecting not only during this time of year, but on a regular basis is to BE PRESENT! It’s hard to enjoy life if you are constantly scrolling. Make it a goal between now and Christmas to put the phone away and not check your accounts for two days. GASP...I dare you!

SWEAT IT OUT - Obviously you knew that this would be in the list! Sweating makes me happy and it makes me feel good, so if this helps you get through the ups and downs of the holiday season, just do it. I’m looking to tackle some long runs while away. No weights, gyms, or studios. I just want to soak up the sunshine and sweat in the beautiful outdoors.

If you are going to be dealing with bitter cold temperatures, why not tackle this oldie, but goodie “At-Home Workout”? No equipment required and it gets the job done, so you can do on your merry way and go to that holiday party feeling like the badass that you are...BOOM!

NOURISH YOUR BELLY and YOUR SOUL - Enjoy yourself...Enjoy the parties...Enjoy the food...You don’t have to do it all. I am going to repeat that...YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO IT ALL!  Do what serves you and what is going to bring you happiness at the end of the day. When you feel like you are being pulled from all ends this time of year, take some time to be selfish and take care of YOU!

For me, this could be as simple as a mani/pedi...Or making a loaded plate of nachos with all the goods...Taking Lucy to the beach and leaving my phone in the car...Catching up on all my reality shows and just letting the couch soak me up...Planning a date night with Shannon at one of our favorite restaurants (I’m going to do this as soon as this post goes live).

Whatever makes YOU happy, just do it! You deserve to love yourself as much as you love others!

LEAN ON THE ONES YOU LOVE - This is a MUST in my opinion...That’s what loved ones and friends are for. They are in your life for a reason. They get you. They get your weirdness. They support you through the pretty and not so pretty times. They are your TRIBE!

Don’t hold all that shit in. In the past, I used to hold it all in, but now I am an open book. This has come from working on myself, which I am still doing by the way, because shit, I have my own issues, but I couldn’t do it without my Life Coach, my friends, and, of course, Shannon.

I am grateful for my tribe. It keeps growing and they keep inspiring me and helping me and just being there for me whenever I need them. People have come into my life for a reason and each one of my friends near and far are there to help me in certain aspects of my life. I find this unbelievably cool and comforting.

And because I cannot help myself, I have to brag about Shannon, because he is my rock. He sees it ALL. He has seen me at my worst and my best moments. He stands by me. He supports me. He makes me feel safe. He keeps it REAL. We are by no means a “perfect couple” and that is okay. I am just happy that I can lean on him physically and emotionally and know that he has got my back and I will always have his. And I promise in 2019, to share more about US, and who this Wisconsin man is.

Merry Christmas you AMAZING humans! So grateful for YOU and this space where I can write, inspire, and just BE! xoxo


