BACK To Fitness

It has been FOREVER since I have posted anything about FITNESS! I am going to blame it on winter, because I am such a wuss when it comes to cold weather, but now that the temperatures are rising and Spring/Summer are right around the corner, I think it is definitely time to bring back my badass workouts!

I LOVE to workout for so many reasons…Physical…Mental…Emotional…It just makes me happy to sweat and to be able to move my body! And as I turn 42 on March 8th, I think it is even more important now to continue to strengthen my muscles, bone, endurance, and overall well-being, as I get older. I want to live my best life this upcoming year and I have already started to make some really positive changes (we will talk about this another time)!

When it comes to working out, I do it ALL! I try to have a balance of cardio, yoga, and strength training. Some weeks it is more spin, or yoga, or running, but I ALWAYS make time to work on my strength. I will say this until I am blue in the face…Strength training is SO IMPORTANT for women as we get older!

Having been an athlete and lifted for many years, I know what works for me and my body at this age. It is not saying that I am opposed to trying new things, but for me personally, you will not find me doing CrossFit, I don’t lift super heavy or do supersets, I will not be attending a Barre class, or signing up for 30-day challenges.

You do YOU and I will do ME!

BUT…Remember that strength training is important for ALL OF US! I will share my workouts that I have done personally and have used with past clients. These workouts are pretty badass, versatile, and always have the goal in mind to build strength, endurance, burn fat/calories, and make you feel GOOD!

Are YOU ready?!?!?

First up is a full-body dumbbell workout! YES, this workout targets all of your muscles! Personally, I would use a 12.5 dumbbell for this workout, if I want to use it for every move. If you want to use multiple dumbbells, go for it.

And I know that you are probably going to get tired of me repeating the same things OVER and OVER again, but please make sure to listen to your body. Since I am not there with you to bark these orders at you or correct your form, you have to listen to what you can do.

Crunched for time, cut the cardio in half…Not ready to do 20 repetitions, do 10 repetitions, and just build your strength up day by day! Be kind to yourself and just start…Your mind and body will thank you later!

And remember I am always here to answer any questions, so reach out.

I love to switch things up and do workouts that involve no weights. It is pretty damn amazing what your own body weight can do and this workout will do ALL THE THINGS! And these workouts can really get your heart rate up, burn calories, burn fat, and tone the heck out of your entire body. When you add in the short burst of cardio before, you will be a hot sweaty mess!

The one thing that I emphasize with these workouts is that you really take the time to focus on your form. Don’t be sloppy and lazy, because you aren’t holding weights, really engage your core, focus on where your body parts are positioned, and go SLOW (except for the plyometrics, of course…give it your all!)

Other great things about this workout…It can be done anywhere. It is versatile. It allows you to track your progress. If you can’t do the 10 minutes of cardio before, do 5 minutes. If you can’t do 50 mountain climbers, do 20 mountain climbers. Listen to your body, while also making sure that you are challenging yourself!

If you have any questions, please reach out to me, as I love to hear from you and inspire you to feel your best inside and out.

Happy Friday and have a beautiful weekend!



Meet Chandler Frisbie


iLiv Massage Charleston